sexta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2012

The U.S. Security

The U.S. Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, believes there is a "strong likelihood" that Israel carry out military intervention in the spring against Iran's nuclear facilities, As Washington Post editorial of 02/02/2012.

In October, came out in the Israeli press that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defense minister, Ehud Barak, were in favor of carrying out attacks against Iran, but that the army and intelligence services, including Mossad , opposed.

I think the army and intelligence services of Israel, are acting with intelligence and prudence on the issue. First they know that Ehud Barak and Netanyahu are acting politically to divert attention from the world and the Israeli people about the illegal occupation of Palestine by the Israelis, and try to extend the the occupation indefinitely, preventing the sovereignty of Palestine that the UN is favorable.

Second, the Israeli attack on Iran will not stop making nuclear weapons, by contrast, would increase their willingness to do so. Third, there would be strong retaliation from Iran to Israel. And this retaliation could be nuclear. For, though Iran does not build nuclear bombs, it is possible that Iran has already tactical nuclear devices. This is a key issue that could lead to a regional nuclear war inconvenience to the world.

Long ago, when the former Soviet Union disintegrated, and it came out in the world press, the Russian General Lebed said he had gone over eighty suitcase nuclear arsenals of Russia located in the "republics mulçulmanas" members of the bloc. Was gone if I remember correctly, 86 of the 112 existing suitcases, similar to those that carry executives. But there's a difference, they may explode and cause massive destruction in a radius of 5 km.

The nuclear suitcases was a cheap and clever than the former USSR, thought to face the weapons project of former Reagan presiente called Star Wars. The central idea of ​​the American project was a defensive system that would destroy Soviet missiles in mid-space that perhaps they turn to the U.S. with high-energy laser beam.

As the U.S. vigiariam space with this advanced system for detection and destruction, the Soviets could evade it, deployed this powerful suitcases in key locations in the U.S.. I doubt if they have not already.

Even today these suitcases that disappeared in the "Muslim republics of the former USSR" were not found, to my knowledge. I believe that if terrorists had stolen, they would have used them already. Conclude then that they are in possession of some rich country, with enough money to buy them on the black market corruption in the Russian season.

Thus, the Secretary Panetta is acting like a real dolt, not making enough pressure on Netanyahu, a known criminal who commits state terrorism against the Palestinian people. And that can lead the world into a third world war.

I hope that the aforementioned Israeli attack on Iran is just a bluff right Israeli incendiary.

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