sexta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2012

Here & Now: The Happiness

These words contain great wisdom and power, according to the Asian philosophy. It means that you should focus your thoughts in the present moment to be happy. The past is gone and the future belongs to God. So, whatever you're doing now, do enthusiastically. Focus. And a pure heart, do good and avoid evil. Learn to think about the bad things of the past or the uncertainty of the future, is useless and only brings bitterness. However, it does not mean your accommodation. With time and determination anyone can change your luck.

Have a nice day. @pjvalente

Aqui & Agora

Essas palavras encerram grande sabedoria e poder, segundo a filosofia asiática. Significa que você deve focar seus pensamentos no momento presente para ser feliz. O passado já foi e o futuro a Deus pertence. Então, o que quer que esteja fazendo agora, faça com entusiasmo. Concentre-se. E de coração puro, faça o bem e evite o mal. Saiba que pensar nas coisas ruins do passado ou nas incertezas do futuro, é inútil e só traz amarguras . Contudo, que isso não signifique acomodação sua. Com o tempo e determinação todos podem mudar a sua sorte.

Tenha um bom dia.

segunda-feira, 27 de agosto de 2012

Global Crisis - missing analysts Good

It's hard to find good analysts in the media about the crisis and its outcomes. Result: analyzes inconsistent, unfounded and does not realize is conveyed in the corporate media. So much money is wasted by national companies and governments.

Probable causes of these analyzes poorly prepared and disseminated in the media are:

- Companies linked to corrupted media that distort and manipulate to their advantage formations. Examples: The Murdoch's media group, ratings agencies, and businesses and rightists who think capitalism is struggling to imutáve and he is not even. And they are dominant in the Western world

- Economists who want to keep their jobs in these companies corrupted.

- Economists who see the world today with "inverted binoculars." That is, apart from the fact that capitalism is changing.

Therefore I invite you to read the e-book free: Sociocapitalism - for a better world.  So you know what I mean. It is available at:

Crise Mundial - Faltam Bons Analistas

É difícil encontrar na mídia bons analistas sobre a crise internacional e seus desfechos. Resultado: análises inconsistentes, infundadas e que não se realizam são veiculadas na mídia corporativa. Assim muito dinheiro é desperdiçado por cidadão empresas e governos.

As causas prováveis dessas análises pobremente elaboradas e veiculadas na mídia são:

- Empresas ligadas a mídia corrompida que distorcem e manipulam formações em proveito próprio. Exemplos: O Grupo Midiático do Murdoch, as agências de risco, e as empresas direitistas e que acham o capitalismo é imutáve e que lutam para que ele não seja mesmo. E elas são dominantes no mundo ocidental

- Economistas que querem manter seus empregos nessas empresas corrompidas.

- Economistas que enxergam o mundo atual com "binóculo invertido". Ou seja, distanciados da realidade de que o capitalismo está mudando.

Por esse motivo que convido voce a ler o e-book free: Sociocapitalismo - por um Mundo melhor. Assim você saberá melhor do que estou falando. Ele está disponível no site:

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

George Soros: Thoughts revealing the billionaire capitalist

George Soros: Thoughts revealing the billionaire capitalist

George Soros is always conscious of global transformations and so it is always good to know what he thinks. But then what is it?
Soros is an investor intelligent and bold, 81, who was able to earn $ 1 billion dollars in just one day by betting against the Bank of England. He resembles King Midas, because every business he touches "turns" into pure gold.
In an interview with Der Spiegel / Estadao of 20/02/2012, titled "Angela Merkel is leading Europe in the Wrong Direction," Soros revealed at the end of the interview, some of their thoughts that give the size of the current transformation of the capitalist world, as I mentioned in the e-book The Sociocapitalismo. Transformations that these corrupt corporate media insists on ignoring.Consider the final questions of the interview, with my comments later.

"Mr. agree with the proposal of Occupy Wall Street, among others, that rich people like Mr. should pay higher taxes?
"Yes. Also, do not defend Republicans who want to save myself the payment of taxes. "
Soros knows that the continuing policy that minimizes tax payments from the wealthy American, as Republicans argue, will lead to chaos USA. The treasure, citizens and business will suffer lose much by insisting insane policies like this. Actually George Soros does not want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs that is America, and he is correct. As an investor alert to bargains, Soros also know that Republicans insist exacerbated arms race, which is one of the causes of the huge deficit of the U.S. Treasury. So Soros wants to distance suicidal policies that Republicans preach.

"If supporting the recovery of higher taxes, why not pay more taxes instead of allocating money to its foundation"?"The reason is that I believe that my foundation manages money better than the government. Anyway I paid my taxes. "Soros is right. And it goes beyond the economic sphere. This is a great and urgent political problem that needs to be solved. For governments, including the most advanced countries of the world, need to manage the people's money with better efficiency, effectiveness and transparency. In this context, should need no truce combat corruption and its inevitable social and economic costs, and this will only be done with advances in "representative democracy", making it a "direct democracy", in which people can actually exert their power on strategic issues in the country. Only then the world will have an economic and social progress just, sustainable and peaceful. / pjvalente

George Soros: Pensamentos reveladores do bilionário capitalista

   George Soros está sempre consciente das transformações mundiais e por isso é sempre bom saber o que ele pensa. Mas afinal quem é ele?
   Soros é um investidor inteligente e ousado com 81 anos, que foi capaz de ganhar US$ 1 bilhão de dólares em apenas um único dia, apostando contra o banco da Inglaterra. Ele assemelha-se ao rei Midas, pois todo negócio que ele toca se “transforma” em ouro puro.
   Em uma entrevista para a Der Spiegel / Estadao de 20.02.2012, intitulada “Angela Merkel está conduzindo a Europa na Direção Errada”, Soros revelou, ao final da entrevista, alguns pensamentos seus que dão a dimensão das transformações do mundo capitalista atual, conforme mencionei no e-book O Sociocapitalismo. Transformações estas que a mídia corporativa corrompida insiste em ignorar.
Vejamos as perguntas finais da entrevista, com posteriores comentários meus.
   “O Sr. Concorda com a proposta do Ocupe Wall Street, entre outros, de que pessoas ricas como o Sr. deveriam pagar altos impostos?
    “Sim. Além disso, não defendo os republicanos que querem me poupar dos pagamentos dos Impostos.”
   Soros sabe que a permanência da política que minimiza os pagamentos de impostos da classe rica americana, como defendem os republicanos, levará o caos aos EUA. O tesouro, o cidadão e o mundo dos negócios perderão sofrerão muito com a insistência de políticas insanas como essa. Na verdade George Soros não quer que matem a galinha dos ovos de ouro que é a América; e ele está correto. Como investidor atento aos bons negócios, Soros sabe também que os republicanos insistem no armamentismo exacerbado, que é um dos causadores do enorme déficit do tesouro americano. Por isso Soros quer distância das políticas suicidas que os republicanos pregam.
   “Se apóia a cobrança de impostos mais altos, por que não paga mais impostos em vez de destinar o dinheiro á sua fundação”?
“   O Motivo é o fato de eu acreditar que minha fundação administra o dinheiro melhor do que o governo. Seja como for eu pago os meus impostos”.
Soros tem razão. E isso transcende a esfera econômica. Trata-se de um grande e urgente problema político que precisa ser resolvido. Pois os governos, inclusive os dos países mais avançados do mundo, precisam administrar o dinheiro do povo com melhor eficiência, eficácia e transparência. Neste contexto, é necessário combater sem trégua a corrupção e seus inevitáveis custos sociais e econômicos; e isso só será feito com avanços na “democracia representativa”, tornando-a uma “democracia direta”; na qual o povo poderá exercer de fato o seu poder nas questões estratégicas do país. Só assim o mundo terá um progresso econômico e social justo, sustentável e pacífico.


Research shows that Democrats have created more jobs than Republicans in the last 64 years.

"In the period of 64 years from the beginning of Truman's presidency until the end of President George W. Bush, ie from 1945 to 2009, there were 28 years of Democratic administrations. These periods were created 57.5 million new jobs, an average of 2.05 million per year. Over the 36 years of Republican administrations, were created 36.2 million new jobs, an average of 1 million. "

Source; article by Robert McElvaine, The New York Times, reprinted in the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo 08/25/2012.

This statement of The New York Times comes substantiate what I have been posting on twitter and blog Besides failing to generate jobs, the Republican policies put the U.S. in a political crisis, economic crisis and social equivalent of 1929. Plus, if Mitt Romney is elected president, and jeopardize the recovery of the U.S. economy and undermine U.S. global leadership in a short time period prescribed. It was the Republicans who pushed the country to the crisis and that they will not recover. So releição support of Barack Obama.


   Pesquisas demonstram que os democratas criaram mais empregos que os republicanos nos últimos 64 anos.
"No período de 64 anos, desde o início da presidência de Truman até o fim do governo de George W. Bush, ou seja, desde 1945 a 2009, houve 28 anos de governos democratas. Nesses períodos, foram criados 57,5 milhões de novos empregos, a uma média de 2,05 milhões ao ano. Nos 36 anos de governos republicanos, foram criados 36,2 milhões de novos empregos, a uma média anual de 1 milhão." Fonte; artigo de Robert McElvaine, The New York Times, republicado no jornal O Estado de São Paulo de 25.08.2012.
Essa afirmação do The New York Times vem fundamentar o que venho postando no twitter e no blog  Além de fracassar na geração de empregos, as políticas republicanas colocaram os EUA em uma crise política, econômica e social equivalente a crise de 1929. E mais, se Mitt Romney for eleito presidente e comprometerá a retomada da economia americana e comprometerá a liderança global dos EUA num curto perído de tempo. Foram os republicanos que empurraram o país para a crise e não serão eles que o recuperarão. Por isso apoio a releição de Barack Obama.

quinta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2012

Wikileaks - Julian Assange

At both that Julian Assange bothered governments in many major countries, disclosing confidential documents, chases them and want to turn it into an international pariah.

For the corrupt, the people do not need to know the "rot government" rolling world. And who always loses in this situation is the good citizen.

By essemplo, has a former leader of the German government, too 'enlightened', which aims to present a bill to the Germans to work 80 years to retire. Incredible .... That is the German worker will work and constribuir with pension funds, but certainly not have the money. actually, the "enlightened former leader", is an elite that want to "manage" the workers' money for his own benefit.


WIKILEAKS - Towards a New Global Governance

Wikileaks helps to redesign the role of the media and government actions in the 21st century, with full transparency in government information taken public.

For all that the public can not know, as a rule, is used against him by the corrupt. So support the crusade against Julian Assange governments of any country. After all the world is round and we're all in the same boat. @ Pjvalente

CAPITALISM - A Narrative

   "The grand narrative of capitalism was excellent while it lasted. Revolutionized human life and, along with their barbarities did amazing things. Everything was solid if cutting up in the air, to be recreated in the cycle sequinte. But neither Marx predicted that the end would this: the world decaying, money talking to myself. "

   Verissimo - Article: Narrative, published in the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo today (23/08/2012).

   Learn more about post-capitalism. Read the free eBook: The Sociocapitalismo - for a Better World. Free on:


   "A grande narrativa do capitalismo foi excelente, enquanto durou. Revolucionou a vida humana e , junto com suas barbaridades fez coisas admiráveis. Tudo que era sólido se desmanchava no ar, para ser recriado no ciclo sequinte. Mas nem Marx previu que o fim seria este: no mundo em decomposição, o dinheiro falando sozinho".
     Verissimo - artigo: A narrativa, publicada no jornal O Estado de São Paulo hoje (23.08.2012).

   Saiba mais sobre o pós-capitalismo. Leia o e-book free: O Sociocapitalismo - por um Mundo Melhor. Free em:

sexta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2012

The U.S. Security

The U.S. Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, believes there is a "strong likelihood" that Israel carry out military intervention in the spring against Iran's nuclear facilities, As Washington Post editorial of 02/02/2012.

In October, came out in the Israeli press that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defense minister, Ehud Barak, were in favor of carrying out attacks against Iran, but that the army and intelligence services, including Mossad , opposed.

I think the army and intelligence services of Israel, are acting with intelligence and prudence on the issue. First they know that Ehud Barak and Netanyahu are acting politically to divert attention from the world and the Israeli people about the illegal occupation of Palestine by the Israelis, and try to extend the the occupation indefinitely, preventing the sovereignty of Palestine that the UN is favorable.

Second, the Israeli attack on Iran will not stop making nuclear weapons, by contrast, would increase their willingness to do so. Third, there would be strong retaliation from Iran to Israel. And this retaliation could be nuclear. For, though Iran does not build nuclear bombs, it is possible that Iran has already tactical nuclear devices. This is a key issue that could lead to a regional nuclear war inconvenience to the world.

Long ago, when the former Soviet Union disintegrated, and it came out in the world press, the Russian General Lebed said he had gone over eighty suitcase nuclear arsenals of Russia located in the "republics mulçulmanas" members of the bloc. Was gone if I remember correctly, 86 of the 112 existing suitcases, similar to those that carry executives. But there's a difference, they may explode and cause massive destruction in a radius of 5 km.

The nuclear suitcases was a cheap and clever than the former USSR, thought to face the weapons project of former Reagan presiente called Star Wars. The central idea of ​​the American project was a defensive system that would destroy Soviet missiles in mid-space that perhaps they turn to the U.S. with high-energy laser beam.

As the U.S. vigiariam space with this advanced system for detection and destruction, the Soviets could evade it, deployed this powerful suitcases in key locations in the U.S.. I doubt if they have not already.

Even today these suitcases that disappeared in the "Muslim republics of the former USSR" were not found, to my knowledge. I believe that if terrorists had stolen, they would have used them already. Conclude then that they are in possession of some rich country, with enough money to buy them on the black market corruption in the Russian season.

Thus, the Secretary Panetta is acting like a real dolt, not making enough pressure on Netanyahu, a known criminal who commits state terrorism against the Palestinian people. And that can lead the world into a third world war.

I hope that the aforementioned Israeli attack on Iran is just a bluff right Israeli incendiary.

Violência Não

Qualquer tipo de violência contra seres humanos e animais é abominável. É sabido que a raiz da violência é a ignorância, pois é ela que torna o coração do ser humano duro. Não se trata da ignorância do saber formal, este que também é importante, mas sim da igorância do saber espiritual.

As crises sempre trazem em seu bojo uma considerável dose de violência, inclusive a violência ideológica de que tudo se resolve com a utilização da força. Entristece saber que 18 grevistas foram mortos pela polícia na África do Sul ontem. Enfim, a violência que vivenciamos nesse início de século, são os últimos resquícios da violência ideológica que imperou no mundo bipolar do século passado.

Sem dúvida uma nova ordem política, econômica e social será estabelecida "pós-crise global" (pós 2017). Até lá vamos presenciar o aumento das diversas formas de violência. Contudo, a violência não prosperará, pois nunca foi um remédio. Sempre foi sim veneno. E a humanidade, em sua longa jornada no tempo, sempre encontrou "saídas e remédios para as crises". Por isso a humanidade sempre prospera, embora lentamente. E foi assim que os "humanos" sairam das cavernas. @pjvalente

Not Violence

Any kind of violence against humans and animals is abhorrent. It is known that the root of violence is ignorance, because it is what makes the human heart hard. It is not ignorance of formal knowledge, this is also important, but the igorância spiritual knowledge.

Crises always bring in its wake a considerable dose of violence, including violence ideology that everything is solved with the use of force. It saddens know that 18 strikers were killed by police in South Africa yesterday. Anyway, the violence we experience in this new century, are the last remnants of ideological violence that prevailed in the bipolar world of the last century.

Undoubtedly a new political, economic and social will be established "post-global crisis" (post 2017). Until then we will witness the rise of various forms of violence. However, violence did not prosper because there was never a remedy. Poison has always been yes. And mankind in his long journey in time, always found "outputs and remedies for the crisis." Therefore mankind always thrives, albeit slowly. And so the "human" came out of the caves. @pjvalente

sexta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2012


Buddha means enlightened. That person who lit up. Siddhartha Gautama was a prince who achieved enlightenment and gave rise to the Buddhist doctrine. The Buddhahood (enlightenment) is not exclusive to one person, as many think, but who brightened. So there is a region in Asia called "region of 10,000 Buddhas." I say all that to say that Chico Xavier - was a Buddha (enlightened) Brazil.
@ pjvalente


U.S. Justice decides not to sue Goldman Sachs relationship with a crisis. This is the headline in the newspaper O Estado de Sao Paulo, today's edition. The "Justice" U.S. is not as fair as the Brazilians think. Agency Risk and How to bank at the same time, possibly Goldman Sachs defrauded its many customers; entretando a U.S. court decided to ignore the facts.
@ pjvalente

quarta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2012


Not only do people get sick. Companies also get sick, Dr. Norberto Keppe wrote a book about it. And that is exactly what is happening with American militarized society, Israel and many others. So you need clear political objective and to demilitarize these societies, both in terms of weapons even as the point of view cultural and spiritual. In this context, if Mitt Romney wins the U.S. elections will be even worse for this country and the world.
@ pjvalente