segunda-feira, 24 de junho de 2013


I love to see students with shirts with this logo. All is what pleases me most. Reason: Senator José Sarney once commented to the magazine Veja, the Brazilian Congress was under attack of Direct Democracy, and mentioned it in the book The Sociocapitalism - for a Better World. And who knows it read.
Of course mr. Sarney is against direct democracy since it limits the powers of politicians. Actually it is the people who have always been under attack by "representative democracy". And the result is that you see now. Exacerbated corruption at all levels of government and the people in the streets protesting.
The below is the fight that the Brazilian people will be able to have their rights respected and via direct democracy, which is already in many countries and that more or less days Brazil win the day, because it is the "top democracy" . Until the final victory, because God is Great.

Direct Democracy - Icon

I found it on the web and will adopt it in my struggle for direct democracy in Brazil and worldwide.

Sayings of the icon:
Title: Direct Democracy
Plebiscite - Referendum - Popular Initiative
Ícone da Democracia Direta

Encontrei-o na WEB e irei adotá-lo na minha luta pela democracia direta no Brasil e no Mundo.

Icon Direct Democracy

I found it on the web and will adopt it in my struggle for direct democracy in Brazil and worldwide.
Sayings of the icon:

Title: Direct Democracy
Plebiscite - Referendum - Popular Initiative

Ícone da Democracia Direta

Encontrei-o na WEB e irei adotá-lo na minha luta pela democracia direta no Brasil e no Mundo.

domingo, 23 de junho de 2013


I watched some interviews of members of the Free Pass on TV and thought that people are aware, well-meaning and reliable. Awakened the national consciousness. So we congratulate them. They know and wish to continue the fight, but no infiltration and extremism. The members of the free pass express my support and dedicate them a few phrases of Mahatma Gandhi:

"So soft, you can shake the world."

"Strength does not come from physical capacity, but the iron will."

"If we want to progress, we must not repeat history but make new history."

"We must become the change we want to see in the world."

"Just know that throughout history the Truth and Love always won."

"Never lose faith in humanity, because it is like an ocean. Just because there are a few drops of dirty water in it, does not mean he is completely dirty. "

Thanks to all
@ pjvalente

THE REVOLUTION OF YOUNG BRAZILIAN - Something in common with the World

A deeper look one realizes that the "revolution Brazilian street" are not detached from the rest of the world, despite some occasional requests of those who protested. It is evident that said
"Representative democracy" - one that you vote for that elected politicians can represent you, is bankrupt.
Actually direct democracy is bankrupt not only in Brazil but also in the rest of the civilized world. And not escape even the U.S., which now has the Obama administration backed undemocratic actions in the "representative democracy", as the use of drones that are killing civilians and children in foreign countries. That spies alike the people of the internet with a particular company (which has profit) with a spy software called PRISM. With the continuation of illegal detention at Guantanamo, where prisoners are kept in appalling conditions for many years and without judgment to which every citizen is entitled.

And that kind of democracy that transforms us into wards has its days numbered. For those people, the true holder of power, will no longer want politicians to represent them in all subject interchangeably.

For some, the imprint as strategic declaration of war, creating taxes, or ethics as involving experiments on human embryos (stem cells), among others, which should be decided by the people in referendums. The world cup in Brazil for example, is one such strategic issues, controversial and costly, that's why people should have decided in a plebiscite. In this type of democracy, which Switzerland and other civilized countries are already using is called direct democracy (for some participatory democracy). As the internet has great influence and participation in this kind of democracy, I believe that it should be called
and direct democracy. And it is with this name that I approach the revolution that e-democracy will direct this century for a more prosperous and just world.


Num olhar mais profundo percebe-se que a "revolução brasileira das ruas" não está descolada do resto do mundo, em que pese algumas solicitações pontuais daqueles que protestaram. É evidente que a dita 
"democracia representativa" - aquela que você vota para que os políticos eleitos possam te representar, está falida.

Na verdade a democracia direta está falida não só no Brasil, mas também no restante do mundo civilizado. E não escapa nem os EUA, que agora tem no governo Obama ações antidemocráticas respaldadas na "democracia representativa", como o uso de drones que estão matando civis e crianças em países estrangeiros. Que espiona indistintamente o povo da internet com uma empresa particular (que tem fins lucrativos) com um software espião denominado Prism. Com a manutenção da prisão ilegal de Guantánamo, onde prisioneiros estão mantidos em condições degradantes por muitos anos e sem julgamento a que todo cidadão tem direito.

E esse tipo de democracia que nos transforma em tutelados está com os dias contados. Pois os povo, o verdadeiro detentor do poder, não irá mais querer que os políticos os representem em todos os assunto indistintamente.

Há alguns, os de cunho estratégicos como declaração de guerra, criação de impostos, ou que envolvem ética como experiências com embriões humanos (células tronco), entre outros, que devem ser decidido pelo povo em plebiscitos. A copa do mundo no Brasil por exemplo, é um desses assuntos estratégico, polêmico e custoso, que por isso povo deveria ter decidido em plebiscito. A esse tipo de democracia, a qual a Suiça e outros países civilizados chama-se democracia direta (para alguns democracia participativa). Como a internet terá grande influência e participação, entendo que ela deva chamar-se e-democracia direta. E é com essa denominação que eu abordo a revolução que a e-democracia direta terá nesse século para uma humanidade mais próspera e justa.


     Radicals tried supporters tried tried the situation, the opposition even more, but in fact who capitalized positive movement was the Brazilian people as well, who came to the streets protesting against the corrupt and dirty politics that always turn against people's interests. Also capitalized on the youth of the Movement Free Pass, who wisely decided to suspend the protests, when he noticed the infiltration of corrupt and violent people.
     You must also record the fact that the massive protest that occurred did not spare the corporate media, which usually omits, distorts, and manipulates information so that a wealthy minority to benefit at the expense of the people. Plus, the media was so uninformed about this event, which at the beginning of the protests of some influential commentator told Brazilian television nonsense and later recanted.

sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2013


I watched some interviews of members of the Free Pass on TV and thought that people are aware, well-meaning and reliable. Awakened the national consciousness. So we congratulate them. They know and wish to continue the fight, but no infiltration and extremism. The members of the free pass express my support and dedicate them a few phrases of Mahatma Gandhi:

"So soft, you can shake the world."

"Strength does not come from physical capacity, but the iron will."

"If we want to progress, we must not repeat history but make new history."

"We must become the change we want to see in the world."

"Just know that throughout history the Truth and Love always won."

"Never lose faith in humanity, because it is like an ocean. Just because there are a few drops of dirty water in it, does not mean he is completely dirty. "

Thanks to all
@ pjvalente

sábado, 15 de junho de 2013

Syria - the end of the light tunnel already appears

Syrian generals and other military officers are stampeding in droves. This coincides with the delivery of modern weapons to the rebels and precedes the decree-fly on Syrian soil that is about to happen. Bashar Assad has no exit. You stay and die or go into exile. God is Great.
@ pjvalente


 Plebiscites more, more and more referenda ballot for a Better World:
- To combat the widespread corruption
- For transparency in public spending
- Consultation on popular public investments in the cities
- For tougher laws that put the "white collar" criminals and murderers in jail for many years in fact. Do the crime do not really compensate.
- The people electing judges of the Supreme Court.
- For compulsory participation of workers in corporate profits.
- For a quality education for all.
- For a truly free press and not manipulative.

Political Inertia

Every politician when elected tends to fall into inertia because it made more promises than it can deliver. In fact only really engage with 100% of its forces towards the sponsors of their campaigns, with their partisan supporters and allies. Being in the government's political inertia forget that the power conferred on them are limited ... That can be revoked ... In this context of political inertia of "leave it to see how it looks," needs of the people end up in the background. However, the people especially the young people who will inherit the future, are not at all happy with this "status quo" depressing and repressive.
And this is a worldwide phenomenon, because the 21st century will not be a replay of the last century. Will be very different. So go through an era of global adjustment troubled political, economic and social. And surely, the world will be much better after the global crisis ends. But the "stick will still eat too much" cities apart for a good few years. And the rulers who insist on obsolete political practices of the past and will not hear the messages of the streets, will be deleted permanently from power. God is Great. And the voice of the people is the voice of God.
@ pjvalente

São Paulo in Shock - The Backfire

It is pathetic to see on TV some rioters smashing public property and private. But even more depressing is to see police shooting cowardly in the eyes of women journalists. This kind of "democracy dick" is outmoded and repression of expression was a backfire, which only served to negatively impact the image of our government abroad.
Plus, with the strength of the television, the repression exerted exacerbated by military police only served to garner even more protesters for the next "stop". And young people are rediscovering their power, after all, the future will be theirs.
DIRECT DEMOCRACY NOW - Plebiscites, Referendums and Popular Consultation

sábado, 8 de junho de 2013

Brazil - Land of the whole world. The world does not love tyrants, including Bashar Assad

A woman surnamed Assad was offended by my criticism of the Syrian tyrant Bashar Assad, and then she wrote me and was short and thick in his message, saying that he did not like my publication and I was misinformed about the Assad family. And so arrogant that I requested to withdraw the message of my page. Thing I will not do. However, my criticism of the ruthless and bloodthirsty dictator Bashar Assad is only the person him as "leader" of a nation is being torn apart by his arrogance and stubbornness to relinquish power. In has nothing to do with others surnamed Assad that even met some who keep great memories. 

 I am fond of Arab culture and I have relatives of Arab origin that tastes great. Moreover, support for the Palestinian cause and is not today. That said I want the Assad - the dictator - has a light and abdicate power to cease the killings and negotiations and support of Syria free move forward, for the country to rebuild again. So all I want is peace and prosperity for the Syrian people, and regardless of religion or ethnicity, for every country in the world is plural. Peace and prosperity sooner or later the Syrian people have, because God is Great.

Support the Syrian army of liberation. God is Great.
دعم الجيش السوري من تحرير. الله أكبر.

Brasil - terra de todo Mundo. O Mundo não ama tiranos, incluindo o Bashar Assad

Uma mulher de sobrenome Assad se sentiu ofendida por minhas críticas ao tirano sírio Bashar Assad, e então ela me escreveu e foi curta e grossa em sua mensagem, dizendo que não gostou de minha publicação e que eu estava mal informado sobre a família Assad. E de modo arrogante solicitou que eu retirasse a mensagem da minha página. Coisa que não vou fazer. Entretanto, as minhas críticas ao ditador cruel e sanguinário Bashar Assad é exclusivamente à pessoa dele enquanto "líder" de uma nação que esta sendo esfacelada por sua arrogância e teimosia em deixar o poder. Em nada tem a ver com as demais pessoas de sobrenome Assad que inclusive conheci alguns de quem guardo ótimas recordações.

Sou apreciador da cultura árabe e eu tenho parentes de origem árabe que gosto muito. E mais, apoio a causa Palestina e não é de hoje. Dito isso desejo que o Assad - o ditador - tenha uma luz e abdique do poder para que cessem as mortes e as negociações e prol da na Síria livre sigam em frente, para o país se reerguer novamente. Portanto tudo o que desejo é paz e prosperidade para o povo sírio e não importando religião ou etnia, pois todo país no mundo é plural. A paz e a prosperidade cedo ou tarde o povo sírio terá terá, pois Deus é Grande.

Support the Syrian army of liberation. God is Great.
دعم الجيش السوري من تحرير. الله أكبر.

البرازيل - أرض العالم كله. العالم لا يحب الطغاة، بما في ذلك بشار الأسد

وقد أساء امرأة قبه الأسد من قبل انتقادي للطاغية السوري بشار الأسد، ثم كتبت لي وكانت قصيرة وسميكة في رسالته، قائلا إنه لم يكن مثل المنشور وكنت معلومات خاطئة عن عائلة الأسد. ومتكبر لدرجة أنني طلبت سحب الرسالة من الصفحة الخاصة بي. شيء لن أفعل. ومع ذلك، انتقادي من لا يرحم ومتعطش للدماء الديكتاتور بشار الأسد هو فقط الشخص بأنه "زعيم" أمة ويجري تمزقها غطرسته والعناد للتخلي عن السلطة. في ليس له اي علاقة مع الآخرين قبه الأسد أنه حتى التقى بعض الذين يحافظون على ذكريات رائعة. أنا مغرم للثقافة العربية ولدي أقارب من أصل عربي أن الأذواق كبيرة. وعلاوة على ذلك، دعم للقضية الفلسطينية وليس اليوم. التي تقول أريد أن الأسد - الديكتاتور - لديه الضوء ويتخلى عن السلطة لوقف أعمال القتل والمفاوضات وبدعم من سوريا التحرك الحرة إلى الأمام، لهذا البلد لإعادة بناء من جديد. لذلك كل ما أريده هو السلام والرخاء للشعب السوري، وبغض النظر عن الدين أو العرق، على كل بلد في العالم هو الجمع. السلام والرخاء عاجلا أو آجلا سوف الشعب السوري لديهم، وذلك لأن الله أكبر.
دعم الجيش السوري من تحرير. الله أكبر.
دعم الجيش السوري من تحرير. الله أكبر.
