sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

George Soros: Thoughts revealing the billionaire capitalist

George Soros: Thoughts revealing the billionaire capitalist

George Soros is always conscious of global transformations and so it is always good to know what he thinks. But then what is it?
Soros is an investor intelligent and bold, 81, who was able to earn $ 1 billion dollars in just one day by betting against the Bank of England. He resembles King Midas, because every business he touches "turns" into pure gold.
In an interview with Der Spiegel / Estadao of 20/02/2012, titled "Angela Merkel is leading Europe in the Wrong Direction," Soros revealed at the end of the interview, some of their thoughts that give the size of the current transformation of the capitalist world, as I mentioned in the e-book The Sociocapitalismo. Transformations that these corrupt corporate media insists on ignoring.Consider the final questions of the interview, with my comments later.

"Mr. agree with the proposal of Occupy Wall Street, among others, that rich people like Mr. should pay higher taxes?
"Yes. Also, do not defend Republicans who want to save myself the payment of taxes. "
Soros knows that the continuing policy that minimizes tax payments from the wealthy American, as Republicans argue, will lead to chaos USA. The treasure, citizens and business will suffer lose much by insisting insane policies like this. Actually George Soros does not want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs that is America, and he is correct. As an investor alert to bargains, Soros also know that Republicans insist exacerbated arms race, which is one of the causes of the huge deficit of the U.S. Treasury. So Soros wants to distance suicidal policies that Republicans preach.

"If supporting the recovery of higher taxes, why not pay more taxes instead of allocating money to its foundation"?"The reason is that I believe that my foundation manages money better than the government. Anyway I paid my taxes. "Soros is right. And it goes beyond the economic sphere. This is a great and urgent political problem that needs to be solved. For governments, including the most advanced countries of the world, need to manage the people's money with better efficiency, effectiveness and transparency. In this context, should need no truce combat corruption and its inevitable social and economic costs, and this will only be done with advances in "representative democracy", making it a "direct democracy", in which people can actually exert their power on strategic issues in the country. Only then the world will have an economic and social progress just, sustainable and peaceful.

www.slideshare.net / pjvalente

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