segunda-feira, 30 de julho de 2012

Questions that can not silence?

1 - The "Monthly" Lula's government existed or not?

2 - If, by chance, the judges of the Supreme Court decided the "Monthly" was a lie invented by Roberto Jefferson, the Brazilian corporate press, discloses that these judges are corrupt or will his "mea culpa" for pre-trial?

3 - It seems that there is evidence against many corrupt that the case will be judged "Monthly". They will be punished?

4 - Brazilian Corruption is the result of a single party?

5 - There may be a full democracy, with independence between the executive, legislature and judiciary with the executive indicating the Judges of the Supreme Court?

For all the bad that makes indirect democracy in Brazil and the world-and I support direct democracy. Find out more about it. A better world is possible yes. Democracy is not a finished product. No doubt will be improved in coming years.

In the book The Sociocapitalismo - for a Better World, among other topics I have also written about the corrupt corporate media and the advantages that e-direct democracy for the people. Read the book. Free /pjvalente/the-sociocapitalism


1 - O "Mensalão" do governo Lula existiu ou não?

2 - Se, por acaso, os juizes do STF decidirem que o "Mensalão" foi uma mentira inventada por Roberto Jefferson, a imprensa corporativa brasileira, divulgará que esses juízes são corruptos ou fará sua "mea culpa" por pré-julgamento?

3 - Tudo indica que existem provas concretas contra muitos corruptos que serão julgados no caso "Mensalão". Eles serão punidos?

4 - A corrupção brasileira é fruto de um único partido?

5 - Pode haver uma democracia plena, com independência entre os poderes Executivo, Legislativo e Judiciário, com o poder executivo indicando os Juízes do STF?

Por tudo de ruim que a democracia indireta faz ao Brasil e ao Mundo eu apoio a e-democracia direta. Procure saber mais sobre ela. Um Mundo Melhor é possível sim. A democracia não é um produto acabado. Sem dúvida alguma será aprimorada nos próximos anos.

No livro O Sociocapitalismo - por um Mundo Melhor, entre outros temas eu escrevi também sobre a mídia corrompida corporativa e das vantagens que a e-democracia direta para o povo. Leia o livro. Grátis em

quinta-feira, 26 de julho de 2012

World Crisis Break

It is difficult to find good analysts in the media about the crisis and its outcome. Results: Analyses inconsistent, unsubstantiated and can not be implemented, are voiced in the corporate media. So much money is wasted by public companies and governments.

Probable causes of these analyzes poorly prepared and disseminated in the media is corrupted:

- Companies linked to these media distort and corrupt handling training to their advantage. Examples: The Murdoch's media group, the rating agencies, and companies right-wingers who think capitalism is imutáve, and even fight for it is not the same. And they are dominant in the western world

- Economists who want to keep their jobs in these companies corrupted, so write things agraden its editors.

- Economists who now see the world with "inverted binoculars." That is, distanced from the reality that capitalism is changing.

For these reasons I invite you to read the free e-book: The Sociocapitalismo - for a Better World. So you better know what I mean. It is available at:

quarta-feira, 25 de julho de 2012


Millionaires have U $ 21 trillion in havens like Switzerland you stand, Cayman Islands, Jersey and others. Tax havens welcome dirty money around the planet. They are as safe harbor for "new pirates" global: all kinds of traffickers, tax evaders, corrupt, terrorists, dictators, among others. With the global crisis anyone has any doubt that governments will do everything possible to get your hands on this entire fortune?

Soon the tax havens will become a hell for their account holders.

@ pjvalente