sábado, 26 de maio de 2012

China will open up strategic enterprises to private capital

So says the story of Claudia Trevisan, correspondent for the newspaper O Estado de Sao Paulo in Beijing, published today entitled "China will open state to private capital."

The article says:

"On Tuesday, the chief investment in fixed assets of the National Development and Reform, Wang Xiao-tao said that China has to break the 'glass walls' to keep private investors out of the strategic sectors dominated by state enterprises, including banks and energy. "

In summary, the opening of these companies to private capital does not mean they will sell 100%. In the words of Trevisan: "... investors can place money or contribute to intangible assets such as intellectual property, and receive in return for payment or equity in the company."

This visionary book The Sociocapitalismo for a Better World, once again makes history. For China, the current engine of world economic growth converges to the concept of "State Strategy" set out in that e-book. Check it out: www.slideshare.net/pjvalente/the-sociocapitalism

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