domingo, 6 de maio de 2012

The War of the Blind in China

    The short-sighted and tyrannical Chinese Communist Party has now to chase up the blind. Well, the Chinese government pursues a blind activist Chen Guangcheng as thecat chases the mouse, thus forming a sad portrait of how tyrannies lose the sense of the ridiculous and ever turn against the people, who claim to defend.
And finally, what was the "heinous crime" committed such a blind, according to theblurred vision of the communist nomenklatura?

    Guangcheng, who has been blind since childhood, is a self-taught lawyer who gained notoriety in 2005 when he made a legal battle on behalf of 7,000 women, forced toundergo abortions and sterilizations to, in favor of the current one-child policy in China .From there then began the martyrdom of Chen, who is pursued in 2006 and stuck withthe false claim of "obstructing traffic." In April 2012, he escaped from house arrest andfled to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.

    The Chinese repressive apparatus is not limited in pursuing the blind. He Peirong, anaccomplice to the escape of Chen, was detained for a week. Meanwhile the lawyer JiangTianyong was beaten by police after trying to visit the blind activist in Chaoyand Hospitalin Beijing.

This war blindly promoted by the Chinese government to its people, crying for freedom;demonstrates how tyrannies are "giant with feet of clay", and that sooner or later collapsein the face of popular power.

Source: OESP of 05.05.2012

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