terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2013
HAPPY 2014 to all Brothers of this Life
Early in life I did not understand the saying " We are all brothers by Adam and Eve." Fortunately now I already have enough understanding to realize that we are all equal before God. We form a vast family called humanity. And that within us, no matter who dwells an immortal divine spark. That nothing in this world really belongs to us and we are here in passing. For here we come to learn, teach, cooperate, work and produce good works and especially to love, among other things. For everything else without love has little value. And the end of all, when our earthly life is over, know that " little " thing here we go. We will take the essentials for our "heavenly journey": a bright spirit - our greatest treasure. What is not easy . So we suffer and struggle to transform our immediate and materialistic ego. But no matter, there in "heaven," where now dwells where many of our ancestors, our spiritual treasure will not be eroded by moths or rust. And as a reward for persevering in lighting, especially for good thoughts and actions, and finally by this accumulated spiritual treasure that Christ spoke much, receive and return the desired divine glory. Many spiritualists call ecstasy or Nirvana.
That said my brother or sister, wherever you are, get a strong spiritual hug me. May God continue to bless us . And we are grateful to them for our lives. Especially for understanding and love.
Happy new year to you.
@ pjvalente
No começo da vida eu não entendia a máxima "Somos todos irmãos por parte de Adão e Eva". Felizmente agora já possuo entendimento suficiente, para compreender que somos todos iguais perante Deus. Que formamos uma vasta família que se chama humanidade. E que em nosso interior, não importa de quem, habita uma centelha divina imortal. Que neste mundo nada de fato nos pertence e que estamos aqui de passagem. Pois aqui viemos para aprender, ensinar, cooperar, trabalhar e produzir boas obras e sobretudo para amar, entre outras coisas. Pois, tudo mais sem o amor tem pouco valia. E no final de tudo, quando nossa vida terrena terminar, saiba que "pouca coisa" coisa daqui iremos levar. Levaremos o essencial para nossa "viagem celestial": um espírito iluminado - o nosso maior tesouro. O que não é tarefa fácil. Por isso sofremos e lutamos para transformar nosso ego imediatista e materialista. Mas não importa, lá no "céu", onde onde já habita muitos de nossos ancestrais, nosso tesouro espiritual não será corroído pelas traças ou ferrugem. E como prêmio por perseverarmos na iluminação, sobretudo por bons pensamentos e ações, enfim por esse tesouro espiritual acumulado de que tanto Cristo falava, receberemos e troca a almejada glória divina. Que muitos espiritualistas chamam de êxtase ou Nirvana.
Dito isso meu irmão ou irmã, onde quer que você esteja, receba um forte abraço espiritual meu. Que Deus nos continue nos abençoando. E lhes somos gratos pelas nossas vidas. Sobretudo pelo entendimento e amor.
Feliz ano novo para você.
sexta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2013
1 - We lost Mandela , but not his legacy .
2 - The Black Bocks troubled , yet not weakened our democracy , but rather contributed to improve it .
3 - The revolt of the young Brazilians in São Paulo and began to spread throughout Brazil , it really was not just due to R $ 3.20 bus fare of São Paulo . The revolt of youth was much longer . Showed to our society that a lot needs to change in the political , economic and social fields , and in all levels of government : Federal , State and Municipal .
Observing a globalized point of view, the revolt of the Brazilian is in the context of other uprisings around the world against the old order , using the Internet . Examples are - " Occupy Wall Street " and " uprisings in Arab countries .
4 - The Corruption and rampant violence in the country reached its apex , especially because of the lax and permissive Brazilian law . The good side is that going forward things will tend to harden for bandits and corrupt . It also indicated that our indirect democracy is advancing towards direct democracy in which the people truly wields power .
5 - The country 's tiny " GDP " against the stigmatized corrupted media portrayal of São Paulo , is helping those in need : the poorest Brazilians. Because of that the middle class is expanding . And that is good for Brazil , a fact that even ps serious economists recognize the outside . Another example of inclusive development are complex wind energy . Some already operating in the Northeast and I had the opportunity to meet . Others are being built or expanded everywhere where wind is plentiful . Soon the Brazilian Northeast and other regions will be as " Emirate of electricity ." And it definitely will help boost these regions for the desired economic and social progress .
6 - Finally , despite the global crisis and military disagreements in some regions of the world , nations are now seeking to work for a better world for everyone. So YOUNG UN is emerging . And especially for the first time in history , comes a Global Era free of hegemonic empires .
Because of what I wrote above , I am optimistic for the year 2014 .
Happy new year .
@ pjvavalente
domingo, 8 de dezembro de 2013
Unprecedented agreement in the WTO indicates that globalization is irreversible and promise for humanity. The agreement paves the way for an injection of $ 1 trillion into the world economy. For the first time in history we have reached a global agreement. And it is this way, with political, economic, and social advances that the 21st century will be very different from previous centuries. Anyone who has read the e-book Sociocapitalismo for a Better World, understands why he is a visionary and historic book.
I congratulate the Brazilian Roberto Azevedo, Director of the WTO, the brilliant work that led to the WTO negotiations.
Maktub - was written Sociocapitalism for a Better World. available free in: www.slideshare.net/pjvalente/the-sociocapitalism.
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