domingo, 8 de setembro de 2013


Ambas ideologias são importadas e não são bons exemplos. O Black Bock todo mundo está vendo. Não respeitam nem desfile cívico do qual participam crianças, que dirá então o cidadão comum. Já os Camisas Negras, de ideologia facista e superada da época negra de Mussolini tem o seguinte comentário na Wikipédia:
"Os camisas negras foram organizados por Benito Mussolini como uma violenta ferramenta militar do seu movimento político. Os fundadores foram intelectuais nacionalistas, ex-oficiais militares, membros especiais dos Arditi e jovens latifundiários que se opunham aos sindicatos de trabalhadores e camponeses do meio rural. Seus métodos tornaram-se cada vez mais violentos a medida que o poder de Mussolini aumentava, e usaram da violência, intimidação e assassinatos contra opositores políticos e sociais. Entre seus componentes, muito heterogêneo, incluíam os criminosos e oportunistas em busca da fortuna fácil".
Portanto, qualquer semelhança dos "camisas negras" o Black Bock no Brasil atual, não é mera coincidência. Quem e qual ideologia está por trás da máscara dos black bock. Você sabe? Para mim está claro. Boa coisa não é!


Both ideologies are imported and are not good examples. The Black Bock everyone is watching. Respect neither civic parade which involved children, who will then say the average citizen. Already the Blackshirts of fascist ideology and overcome the dark period of Mussolini has the following comment on Wikipedia:
"The black shirts were organized by Benito Mussolini as a violent military tool of his political movement. Founders were nationalist intellectuals, former military officers, members of the special Arditi and young landowners who opposed the union of workers and peasants in rural areas. his methods have become increasingly violent as they Mussolini's power grew, and used violence, intimidation and murder against political opponents and social. Among its components, very heterogeneous, included criminals and opportunists in search of easy fortune ".
Therefore, any resemblance to the "black shirts" Black Bock in Brazil today, is no coincidence. After all, who and what ideology is behind the mask of black bock. Do you know? To me it is clear. Good thing there is!
@ pjvalente

"Wikileaks reveals that countries underestimated the crisis of 2008." But I do not!

This headline of an important article by Jamil Chad, was published in the newspaper "O Estado de São Paulo" today. In summary the article says that "American diplomats exchanged messages after breaking of Lehman Brothers show that global leaders expected a quick recovery of the world economy, the wrong assessment may have slowed more effective responses to the crisis." And more, "for leaders , recovery would begin in 2010. "And the article also speculates that "five years after the collapse of Lehman, the U.S. recovery is still uncertain."
See what the papers mention currently on the extension of the crisis, I had evaluated correctly when writing and publishing the book "The Sociocapitalismo - for a Better World", available to the public in gratuiamente sita American
o. And this is one of the many reasons that make eBook strategic students, citizens, business and government. It is not for nothing that the book circulates in the four corners of the planet.
Have you ever read it?

segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2013

Representative democracy in Brazil exposes her insides

Every democracy assumes that there must be independence between the three powers : Executive , Legislative and Judicial . However , this independence does not occur in practice , even in advanced democratic countries . For the executive who always co-opts the other powers , is sponsored by corporations and they become submissive .
To exercise the "art " of cooptation executive power need to distribute funds and positions to allies in order to govern . And if this were not enough , by law , the executive has the prerogative to appoint the ministers of the Supreme Court . Further proof that such vaunted independence between the constitutional powers , in practice it occurs . And the result is that " democratic government " elected this political system obsolete, always rule against the interests of the people who elected him . Constituting as it were, in a kind of " democratic dictatorship of corporate " . Prioritizing business demands rather popular demands . Who make laws that benefit entrepreneurs and criminalizing ordinary citizens .
But that's not all , the " democratic dictatorship of corporate " , enslaves the people with taxes absurd and abusive . When it does not " rob " the public treasury directly. Diverting funds , overstating expenses or developing projects with obscure ; causing damage to ordinary people as well. As an example project obscure mention the global espionage that the NSA ( National Security Agency of the USA) do. Of whose claws do not escape nor the American citizen as well , and neither the components senior governments friends .
Today in Brazil the main political comments conveyed in O Estado de São Paulo , deal with the corruption and lack of ethics installed in three branches Brazilians mention below :
1 - " To the President of the Supreme Court , if Donadon created a constitutional impasse ." This headline refers to the case of Mr Donadon Natan , who is imprisoned for wrongdoing , and that the House of Representatives decided to retain the parliamentary seat . Can a deputy arrested continue exercising its mandate ? This is incredible ...
Donadom The case is one of many examples of moral corruption that affects the Brazilian legislature .
2 - " General Advocacy of the Union sees no need for removal of Minister Antonio Dias Toffoli of the Brazilian Supreme Court , the rapporteur on the bank's shares to which it owes money ."
It is inconceivable that a minister of the Supreme Court deems the actions of a bank for which he should loan money millionaire. It is an affront to law-abiding citizen . Both their right and their intelligence .
It is worth mentioning that the ministers of the Supreme Court are not elected by the people. There is a case for changing the law ?
This ethical -legal issue is not an isolated case in the Supreme Court . Days ago left that same newspaper, that Mr. Chief Justice . Joaquim Barbosa formed a company to buy an apartment in Miami millionaire . An attitude somewhat suspicious to a member of the STF .
For these reasons , I raise the following questions . It will also be "legal " to the other judges Brazilians , this procedure that Mr. . Joaquim Barbosa dared practice ? Would you agree with that?
3 - To finish my comment about the corruption that grace the "three constitutional powers " of Brazil , transcribe one newspaper headline I mentioned above , that in itself says it all .
" Supreme opens investigation against the governor of the Federal District ." The article highlights that the Minister Luís Barroso authorized opening investigation against Agnelo Queiroz ( PT) for crimes in public administration .
Because of all that I reported above, it is imperative that the concept of democracy to advance. Even in those countries that are examples of how the U.S. democracy . For elected governments to be more transparent and meet the demands of the people . And they also bring justice and prosperity for all .
Clearly the " representative democracy " is exhausted and needs to change . It is replaced by " direct democracy " , as already happens in Switzerland Only in this way the people will exercise their power to the full .
Every democracy assumes that there must be independence between the three powers : Executive , Legislative and Judicial . However , this independence does not occur in practice , even in advanced democratic countries . For the executive who always co-opts the other powers , is sponsored by corporations and they become submissive .
To exercise the "art " of cooptation executive power need to distribute funds and positions to allies in order to govern . And if this were not enough , by law , the executive has the prerogative to appoint the ministers of the Supreme Court . Further proof that such vaunted independence between the constitutional powers , in practice it occurs . And the result is that " democratic government " elected this political system obsolete, always rule against the interests of the people who elected him . Constituting as it were, in a kind of " democratic dictatorship of corporate " . Prioritizing business demands rather popular demands . Who make laws that benefit entrepreneurs and criminalizing ordinary citizens .
But that's not all , the " democratic dictatorship of corporate " , enslaves the people with taxes absurd and abusive . When it does not " rob " the public treasury directly. Diverting funds , overstating expenses or developing projects with obscure ; causing damage to ordinary people as well. As an example project obscure mention the global espionage that the NSA ( National Security Agency of the USA) do. Of whose claws do not escape nor the American citizen as well , and neither the components senior governments friends .
Today in Brazil the main political comments conveyed in O Estado de São Paulo , deal with the corruption and lack of ethics installed in three branches Brazilians mention below :
1 - " To the President of the Supreme Court , if Donadon created a constitutional impasse ." This headline refers to the case of Mr Donadon Natan , who is imprisoned for wrongdoing , and that the House of Representatives decided to retain the parliamentary seat . Can a deputy arrested continue exercising its mandate ? This is incredible ...
Donadom The case is one of many examples of moral corruption that affects the Brazilian legislature .
2 - " General Advocacy of the Union sees no need for removal of Minister Antonio Dias Toffoli of the Brazilian Supreme Court , the rapporteur on the bank's shares to which it owes money ."
It is inconceivable that a minister of the Supreme Court deems the actions of a bank for which he should loan money millionaire. It is an affront to law-abiding citizen . Both their right and their intelligence .
It is worth mentioning that the ministers of the Supreme Court are not elected by the people. There is a case for changing the law ?
This ethical -legal issue is not an isolated case in the Supreme Court . Days ago left that same newspaper, that Mr. Chief Justice . Joaquim Barbosa formed a company to buy an apartment in Miami millionaire . An attitude somewhat suspicious to a member of the STF .
For these reasons , I raise the following questions . It will also be "legal " to the other judges Brazilians , this procedure that Mr. . Joaquim Barbosa dared practice ? Would you agree with that?
3 - To finish my comment about the corruption that grace the "three constitutional powers " of Brazil , transcribe one newspaper headline I mentioned above , that in itself says it all .
" Supreme opens investigation against the governor of the Federal District ." The article highlights that the Minister Luís Barroso authorized opening investigation against Agnelo Queiroz ( PT) for crimes in public administration .
Because of all that I reported above, it is imperative that the concept of democracy to advance. Even in those countries that are examples of how the U.S. democracy . For elected governments to be more transparent and meet the demands of the people . And they also bring justice and prosperity for all .
Clearly the " representative democracy " is exhausted and needs to change . It is replaced by " direct democracy " , as already happens in Switzerland Only in this way the people will exercise their power to the full .

No Brasil a democracia representativa expõe suas vísceras.

Toda democracia parte do pressuposto que deve haver independência entre os três poderes: Executivo, Legislativo e Judiciário. Contudo, essa independência na prática não ocorre; até mesmo em países democráticos avançados. Pois o poder executivo que sempre coopta os demais poderes, é patrocinado pelas corporações e a elas torna-se submisso.
Para exercer a “arte” da cooptação o poder executivo precisa distribuir verbas e cargos a aliados para poder governar. E se não bastasse isso, por lei, o poder executivo tem a prerrogativa de indicar os ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Prova maior de que a tal propalada independência entre os poderes constitucionais, na prática não ocorre. E o resultado disso é que os “governos democráticos” eleitos neste sistema político obsoleto, sempre governam contra os interesses do povo que o elegeu. Constituindo-se por assim dizer, em uma espécie de "ditadura democrática corporativa". Que prioriza demandas empresariais em detrimento às demandas populares. Que fazem leis que beneficiam empresários e que penalizam o cidadão comum.
Mas isso não é tudo, a "ditadura democrática corporativa", escraviza o povo com impostos absurdos e abusivos. Isso quando não “assaltam” os cofres públicos diretamente. Desviando verbas, superestimando gastos ou elaborando com projetos obscuros; que causam prejuízos ao cidadão comum de bem. Como exemplo de projeto obscuro, menciono a espionagem global que a NSA (Agência Nacional de Segurança dos EUA) faz. De cujas garras não escapam nem o cidadão americano de bem, e nem os componentes de alto escalão dos governos amigos.
Hoje mesmo no Brasil os principais comentários político veiculados no Jornal O Estado de São Paulo, versam sobre a corrupção e a falta de ética instalada nos três poderes brasileiros que menciono abaixo:
1- “Para presidente do STF, caso Donadon criou um impasse constitucional”. Essa manchete refere-se ao caso do deputado Natan Donadon, que está preso por irregularidades cometidas, e que a Câmara dos Deputados decidiu manter o mandato parlamentar. Pode um deputado preso continuar exercendo seu mandato? Isso é incrível...
O caso Donadom é um dos inúmeros exemplos de corrupção moral que afeta o poder legislativo brasileiro.
2 – “A advocacia Geral da União não vê necessidade de afastamento do ministro Antonio Dias Toffoli do Supremo Tribunal Federal brasileiro, de relatoria em ações do banco para o qual ele deve dinheiro”.
É inconcebível que um ministro do Supremo Tribunal julgue as ações de um banco para o qual ele deve dinheiro de empréstimo milionário. Trata-se de uma afronta ao cidadão de bem. Tanto do seu direito quanto de sua inteligência.
Convém ressaltar que os ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal não são eleitos pelo voto do povo. Não será o caso de se mudar a lei?
Essa questão ética-legal não é um caso isolado no Supremo Tribunal. Dias atrás saiu nesse mesmo jornal, que o Presidente do Supremo o sr. Joaquim Barbosa constituiu uma empresa para comprar um apartamento milionário em Miami. Uma atitude um tanto suspeita para um integrante do STF.
Pelo exposto, levanto as seguintes questões. Será também “legal” para os demais juízes brasileiros, esse procedimento que o sr. Joaquim Barbosa ousou praticar? Você concordaria com isso?
3 - Para finalizar meu comentário sobre a corrupção que graça nos "três poderes constitucionais" do Brasil, transcrevo uma manchete do jornal que mencionei acima, que por si já diz tudo.
"Supremo abre inquérito contra governador do Distrito Federal". O artigo destaca que o ministro Luís Barroso autorizou abertura de apuração contra Agnelo Queiroz (PT) por crimes na administração pública.
Por conta de tudo que relatei acima, é imperioso que o conceito de democracia avance. Mesmo naqueles países que são exemplos de democracia como os EUA. Para que os governos eleitos sejam mais transparentes e que atendam as demandas do povo. E que também tragam justiça e prosperidade para todos.
Claramente a “democracia representativa” está exaurida e precisa mudar. Que ela seja substituída pela "democracia direta", como já ocorre na Suiça. Pois só assim o povo exercerá seu poder com plenitude.