terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2013

HAPPY 2014 to all Brothers of this Life

Early in life I did not understand the saying " We are all brothers by Adam and Eve." Fortunately now I already have enough understanding to realize that we are all equal before God. We form a vast family called humanity. And that within us, no matter who dwells an immortal divine spark. That nothing in this world really belongs to us and we are here in passing. For here we come to learn, teach, cooperate, work and produce good works and especially to love, among other things. For everything else without love has little value. And the end of all, when our earthly life is over, know that " little " thing here we go. We will take the essentials for our "heavenly journey": a bright spirit - our greatest treasure. What is not easy . So we suffer and struggle to transform our immediate and materialistic ego. But no matter, there in "heaven," where now dwells where many of our ancestors, our spiritual treasure will not be eroded by moths or rust. And as a reward for persevering in lighting, especially for good thoughts and actions, and finally by this accumulated spiritual treasure that Christ spoke much, receive and return the desired divine glory. Many spiritualists call ecstasy or Nirvana.
That said my brother or sister, wherever you are, get a strong spiritual hug me. May God continue to bless us . And we are grateful to them for our lives. Especially for understanding and love.
Happy new year to you.
@ pjvalente


No começo da vida eu não entendia a máxima "Somos todos irmãos por parte de Adão e Eva". Felizmente agora já possuo entendimento suficiente, para compreender que somos todos iguais perante Deus. Que formamos uma vasta família que se chama humanidade. E que em nosso interior, não importa de quem, habita uma centelha divina imortal. Que neste mundo nada de fato nos pertence e que estamos aqui de passagem. Pois aqui viemos para aprender, ensinar, cooperar, trabalhar e produzir boas obras e sobretudo para amar, entre outras coisas. Pois, tudo mais sem o amor tem pouco valia. E no final de tudo, quando nossa vida terrena terminar, saiba que "pouca coisa" coisa daqui iremos levar. Levaremos o essencial para nossa "viagem celestial": um espírito iluminado - o nosso maior tesouro. O que não é tarefa fácil. Por isso sofremos e lutamos para transformar nosso ego imediatista e materialista. Mas não importa, lá no "céu", onde onde já habita muitos de nossos ancestrais, nosso tesouro espiritual não será corroído pelas traças ou ferrugem. E como prêmio por perseverarmos na iluminação, sobretudo por bons pensamentos e ações, enfim por esse tesouro espiritual acumulado de que tanto Cristo falava, receberemos e troca a almejada glória divina. Que muitos espiritualistas chamam de êxtase ou Nirvana.
Dito isso meu irmão ou irmã, onde quer que você esteja, receba um forte abraço espiritual meu. Que Deus nos continue nos abençoando. E lhes somos gratos pelas nossas vidas. Sobretudo pelo entendimento e amor.
Feliz ano novo para você.

sexta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2013


1 - We lost Mandela , but not his legacy .

2 - The Black Bocks troubled , yet not weakened our democracy , but rather contributed to improve it .

3 - The revolt of the young Brazilians in São Paulo and began to spread throughout Brazil , it really was not just due to R $ 3.20 bus fare of São Paulo . The revolt of youth was much longer . Showed to our society that a lot needs to change in the political , economic and social fields , and in all levels of government : Federal , State and Municipal .
Observing a globalized point of view, the revolt of the Brazilian is in the context of other uprisings around the world against the old order , using the Internet . Examples are - " Occupy Wall Street " and " uprisings in Arab countries .

4 - The Corruption and rampant violence in the country reached its apex , especially because of the lax and permissive Brazilian law . The good side is that going forward things will tend to harden for bandits and corrupt . It also indicated that our indirect democracy is advancing towards direct democracy in which the people truly wields power .

5 - The country 's tiny " GDP " against the stigmatized corrupted media portrayal of São Paulo , is helping those in need : the poorest Brazilians. Because of that the middle class is expanding . And that is good for Brazil , a fact that even ps serious economists recognize the outside . Another example of inclusive development are complex wind energy . Some already operating in the Northeast and I had the opportunity to meet . Others are being built or expanded everywhere where wind is plentiful . Soon the Brazilian Northeast and other regions will be as " Emirate of electricity ." And it definitely will help boost these regions for the desired economic and social progress .

6 - Finally , despite the global crisis and military disagreements in some regions of the world , nations are now seeking to work for a better world for everyone. So YOUNG UN is emerging . And especially for the first time in history , comes a Global Era free of hegemonic empires .
Because of what I wrote above , I am optimistic for the year 2014 .

Happy new year .
@ pjvavalente

domingo, 8 de dezembro de 2013


Unprecedented agreement in the WTO indicates that globalization is irreversible and promise for humanity. The agreement paves the way for an injection of $ 1 trillion into the world economy. For the first time in history we have reached a global agreement. And it is this way, with political, economic, and social advances that the 21st century will be very different from previous centuries. Anyone who has read the e-book Sociocapitalismo for a Better World, understands why he is a visionary and historic book.
I congratulate the Brazilian Roberto Azevedo, Director of the WTO, the brilliant work that led to the WTO negotiations.
Maktub - was written Sociocapitalism for a Better World. available free in: www.slideshare.net/pjvalente/the-sociocapitalism.

domingo, 24 de novembro de 2013


Photography is an art. The art of framing, perspective, dream or nightmare. Photography is interpretation - A poetry without prose or verse, but not accurate. Because a picture says it all and maybe more.
Photography is one moment that stole the time, not before you leave your registry. Photography is passion, illusion, reality. A shock or comfort. Photography is nostalgia. It mirage, where you often see but do not recognize. For all that love shooting.
some of my photos are available on facebook: www.facebook.com/paulojose.valente.5
@ pjvalente

sexta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2013

Meditating efficiently .

The technique teaches you to meditate Asian efficiently you should be in a quiet place and calm . Then choose a posture : sit or lie down . Then close your eyes and try to focus on the tip of the nose . Note that this is an equilateral triangle facing down . Then try not to think about anything specific. And let the thoughts come and go at will. But do not try to deepen them .

But the method I developed you should concentrate on the third eye which is just above the nose , between the eyes . This is the same place where the Indian women wear the " garnish " on the forehead .
To facilitate the concentration in wet look set roles foreheads right and left at the third eye (like Indian ) . The wet papers , which are the size of a coin , are fixed at the locations indicated by finger pressure .
Note that the papers will form a triangle facing up . And it symbolizes God to spiritualists .
Well , in less than three minutes so concentrated you have a brain relaxation amazing. And your conscience will be expanded .
Try and see.

domingo, 8 de setembro de 2013


Ambas ideologias são importadas e não são bons exemplos. O Black Bock todo mundo está vendo. Não respeitam nem desfile cívico do qual participam crianças, que dirá então o cidadão comum. Já os Camisas Negras, de ideologia facista e superada da época negra de Mussolini tem o seguinte comentário na Wikipédia:
"Os camisas negras foram organizados por Benito Mussolini como uma violenta ferramenta militar do seu movimento político. Os fundadores foram intelectuais nacionalistas, ex-oficiais militares, membros especiais dos Arditi e jovens latifundiários que se opunham aos sindicatos de trabalhadores e camponeses do meio rural. Seus métodos tornaram-se cada vez mais violentos a medida que o poder de Mussolini aumentava, e usaram da violência, intimidação e assassinatos contra opositores políticos e sociais. Entre seus componentes, muito heterogêneo, incluíam os criminosos e oportunistas em busca da fortuna fácil".
Portanto, qualquer semelhança dos "camisas negras" o Black Bock no Brasil atual, não é mera coincidência. Quem e qual ideologia está por trás da máscara dos black bock. Você sabe? Para mim está claro. Boa coisa não é!


Both ideologies are imported and are not good examples. The Black Bock everyone is watching. Respect neither civic parade which involved children, who will then say the average citizen. Already the Blackshirts of fascist ideology and overcome the dark period of Mussolini has the following comment on Wikipedia:
"The black shirts were organized by Benito Mussolini as a violent military tool of his political movement. Founders were nationalist intellectuals, former military officers, members of the special Arditi and young landowners who opposed the union of workers and peasants in rural areas. his methods have become increasingly violent as they Mussolini's power grew, and used violence, intimidation and murder against political opponents and social. Among its components, very heterogeneous, included criminals and opportunists in search of easy fortune ".
Therefore, any resemblance to the "black shirts" Black Bock in Brazil today, is no coincidence. After all, who and what ideology is behind the mask of black bock. Do you know? To me it is clear. Good thing there is!
@ pjvalente

"Wikileaks reveals that countries underestimated the crisis of 2008." But I do not!

This headline of an important article by Jamil Chad, was published in the newspaper "O Estado de São Paulo" today. In summary the article says that "American diplomats exchanged messages after breaking of Lehman Brothers show that global leaders expected a quick recovery of the world economy, the wrong assessment may have slowed more effective responses to the crisis." And more, "for leaders , recovery would begin in 2010. "And the article also speculates that "five years after the collapse of Lehman, the U.S. recovery is still uncertain."
See what the papers mention currently on the extension of the crisis, I had evaluated correctly when writing and publishing the book "The Sociocapitalismo - for a Better World", available to the public in gratuiamente sita American www.slideshare.net/pjvalente/the-sociocapitalism
o. And this is one of the many reasons that make eBook strategic students, citizens, business and government. It is not for nothing that the book circulates in the four corners of the planet.
Have you ever read it?

segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2013

Representative democracy in Brazil exposes her insides

Every democracy assumes that there must be independence between the three powers : Executive , Legislative and Judicial . However , this independence does not occur in practice , even in advanced democratic countries . For the executive who always co-opts the other powers , is sponsored by corporations and they become submissive .
To exercise the "art " of cooptation executive power need to distribute funds and positions to allies in order to govern . And if this were not enough , by law , the executive has the prerogative to appoint the ministers of the Supreme Court . Further proof that such vaunted independence between the constitutional powers , in practice it occurs . And the result is that " democratic government " elected this political system obsolete, always rule against the interests of the people who elected him . Constituting as it were, in a kind of " democratic dictatorship of corporate " . Prioritizing business demands rather popular demands . Who make laws that benefit entrepreneurs and criminalizing ordinary citizens .
But that's not all , the " democratic dictatorship of corporate " , enslaves the people with taxes absurd and abusive . When it does not " rob " the public treasury directly. Diverting funds , overstating expenses or developing projects with obscure ; causing damage to ordinary people as well. As an example project obscure mention the global espionage that the NSA ( National Security Agency of the USA) do. Of whose claws do not escape nor the American citizen as well , and neither the components senior governments friends .
Today in Brazil the main political comments conveyed in O Estado de São Paulo , deal with the corruption and lack of ethics installed in three branches Brazilians mention below :
1 - " To the President of the Supreme Court , if Donadon created a constitutional impasse ." This headline refers to the case of Mr Donadon Natan , who is imprisoned for wrongdoing , and that the House of Representatives decided to retain the parliamentary seat . Can a deputy arrested continue exercising its mandate ? This is incredible ...
Donadom The case is one of many examples of moral corruption that affects the Brazilian legislature .
2 - " General Advocacy of the Union sees no need for removal of Minister Antonio Dias Toffoli of the Brazilian Supreme Court , the rapporteur on the bank's shares to which it owes money ."
It is inconceivable that a minister of the Supreme Court deems the actions of a bank for which he should loan money millionaire. It is an affront to law-abiding citizen . Both their right and their intelligence .
It is worth mentioning that the ministers of the Supreme Court are not elected by the people. There is a case for changing the law ?
This ethical -legal issue is not an isolated case in the Supreme Court . Days ago left that same newspaper, that Mr. Chief Justice . Joaquim Barbosa formed a company to buy an apartment in Miami millionaire . An attitude somewhat suspicious to a member of the STF .
For these reasons , I raise the following questions . It will also be "legal " to the other judges Brazilians , this procedure that Mr. . Joaquim Barbosa dared practice ? Would you agree with that?
3 - To finish my comment about the corruption that grace the "three constitutional powers " of Brazil , transcribe one newspaper headline I mentioned above , that in itself says it all .
" Supreme opens investigation against the governor of the Federal District ." The article highlights that the Minister Luís Barroso authorized opening investigation against Agnelo Queiroz ( PT) for crimes in public administration .
Because of all that I reported above, it is imperative that the concept of democracy to advance. Even in those countries that are examples of how the U.S. democracy . For elected governments to be more transparent and meet the demands of the people . And they also bring justice and prosperity for all .
Clearly the " representative democracy " is exhausted and needs to change . It is replaced by " direct democracy " , as already happens in Switzerland Only in this way the people will exercise their power to the full .
Every democracy assumes that there must be independence between the three powers : Executive , Legislative and Judicial . However , this independence does not occur in practice , even in advanced democratic countries . For the executive who always co-opts the other powers , is sponsored by corporations and they become submissive .
To exercise the "art " of cooptation executive power need to distribute funds and positions to allies in order to govern . And if this were not enough , by law , the executive has the prerogative to appoint the ministers of the Supreme Court . Further proof that such vaunted independence between the constitutional powers , in practice it occurs . And the result is that " democratic government " elected this political system obsolete, always rule against the interests of the people who elected him . Constituting as it were, in a kind of " democratic dictatorship of corporate " . Prioritizing business demands rather popular demands . Who make laws that benefit entrepreneurs and criminalizing ordinary citizens .
But that's not all , the " democratic dictatorship of corporate " , enslaves the people with taxes absurd and abusive . When it does not " rob " the public treasury directly. Diverting funds , overstating expenses or developing projects with obscure ; causing damage to ordinary people as well. As an example project obscure mention the global espionage that the NSA ( National Security Agency of the USA) do. Of whose claws do not escape nor the American citizen as well , and neither the components senior governments friends .
Today in Brazil the main political comments conveyed in O Estado de São Paulo , deal with the corruption and lack of ethics installed in three branches Brazilians mention below :
1 - " To the President of the Supreme Court , if Donadon created a constitutional impasse ." This headline refers to the case of Mr Donadon Natan , who is imprisoned for wrongdoing , and that the House of Representatives decided to retain the parliamentary seat . Can a deputy arrested continue exercising its mandate ? This is incredible ...
Donadom The case is one of many examples of moral corruption that affects the Brazilian legislature .
2 - " General Advocacy of the Union sees no need for removal of Minister Antonio Dias Toffoli of the Brazilian Supreme Court , the rapporteur on the bank's shares to which it owes money ."
It is inconceivable that a minister of the Supreme Court deems the actions of a bank for which he should loan money millionaire. It is an affront to law-abiding citizen . Both their right and their intelligence .
It is worth mentioning that the ministers of the Supreme Court are not elected by the people. There is a case for changing the law ?
This ethical -legal issue is not an isolated case in the Supreme Court . Days ago left that same newspaper, that Mr. Chief Justice . Joaquim Barbosa formed a company to buy an apartment in Miami millionaire . An attitude somewhat suspicious to a member of the STF .
For these reasons , I raise the following questions . It will also be "legal " to the other judges Brazilians , this procedure that Mr. . Joaquim Barbosa dared practice ? Would you agree with that?
3 - To finish my comment about the corruption that grace the "three constitutional powers " of Brazil , transcribe one newspaper headline I mentioned above , that in itself says it all .
" Supreme opens investigation against the governor of the Federal District ." The article highlights that the Minister Luís Barroso authorized opening investigation against Agnelo Queiroz ( PT) for crimes in public administration .
Because of all that I reported above, it is imperative that the concept of democracy to advance. Even in those countries that are examples of how the U.S. democracy . For elected governments to be more transparent and meet the demands of the people . And they also bring justice and prosperity for all .
Clearly the " representative democracy " is exhausted and needs to change . It is replaced by " direct democracy " , as already happens in Switzerland Only in this way the people will exercise their power to the full .

No Brasil a democracia representativa expõe suas vísceras.

Toda democracia parte do pressuposto que deve haver independência entre os três poderes: Executivo, Legislativo e Judiciário. Contudo, essa independência na prática não ocorre; até mesmo em países democráticos avançados. Pois o poder executivo que sempre coopta os demais poderes, é patrocinado pelas corporações e a elas torna-se submisso.
Para exercer a “arte” da cooptação o poder executivo precisa distribuir verbas e cargos a aliados para poder governar. E se não bastasse isso, por lei, o poder executivo tem a prerrogativa de indicar os ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Prova maior de que a tal propalada independência entre os poderes constitucionais, na prática não ocorre. E o resultado disso é que os “governos democráticos” eleitos neste sistema político obsoleto, sempre governam contra os interesses do povo que o elegeu. Constituindo-se por assim dizer, em uma espécie de "ditadura democrática corporativa". Que prioriza demandas empresariais em detrimento às demandas populares. Que fazem leis que beneficiam empresários e que penalizam o cidadão comum.
Mas isso não é tudo, a "ditadura democrática corporativa", escraviza o povo com impostos absurdos e abusivos. Isso quando não “assaltam” os cofres públicos diretamente. Desviando verbas, superestimando gastos ou elaborando com projetos obscuros; que causam prejuízos ao cidadão comum de bem. Como exemplo de projeto obscuro, menciono a espionagem global que a NSA (Agência Nacional de Segurança dos EUA) faz. De cujas garras não escapam nem o cidadão americano de bem, e nem os componentes de alto escalão dos governos amigos.
Hoje mesmo no Brasil os principais comentários político veiculados no Jornal O Estado de São Paulo, versam sobre a corrupção e a falta de ética instalada nos três poderes brasileiros que menciono abaixo:
1- “Para presidente do STF, caso Donadon criou um impasse constitucional”. Essa manchete refere-se ao caso do deputado Natan Donadon, que está preso por irregularidades cometidas, e que a Câmara dos Deputados decidiu manter o mandato parlamentar. Pode um deputado preso continuar exercendo seu mandato? Isso é incrível...
O caso Donadom é um dos inúmeros exemplos de corrupção moral que afeta o poder legislativo brasileiro.
2 – “A advocacia Geral da União não vê necessidade de afastamento do ministro Antonio Dias Toffoli do Supremo Tribunal Federal brasileiro, de relatoria em ações do banco para o qual ele deve dinheiro”.
É inconcebível que um ministro do Supremo Tribunal julgue as ações de um banco para o qual ele deve dinheiro de empréstimo milionário. Trata-se de uma afronta ao cidadão de bem. Tanto do seu direito quanto de sua inteligência.
Convém ressaltar que os ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal não são eleitos pelo voto do povo. Não será o caso de se mudar a lei?
Essa questão ética-legal não é um caso isolado no Supremo Tribunal. Dias atrás saiu nesse mesmo jornal, que o Presidente do Supremo o sr. Joaquim Barbosa constituiu uma empresa para comprar um apartamento milionário em Miami. Uma atitude um tanto suspeita para um integrante do STF.
Pelo exposto, levanto as seguintes questões. Será também “legal” para os demais juízes brasileiros, esse procedimento que o sr. Joaquim Barbosa ousou praticar? Você concordaria com isso?
3 - Para finalizar meu comentário sobre a corrupção que graça nos "três poderes constitucionais" do Brasil, transcrevo uma manchete do jornal que mencionei acima, que por si já diz tudo.
"Supremo abre inquérito contra governador do Distrito Federal". O artigo destaca que o ministro Luís Barroso autorizou abertura de apuração contra Agnelo Queiroz (PT) por crimes na administração pública.
Por conta de tudo que relatei acima, é imperioso que o conceito de democracia avance. Mesmo naqueles países que são exemplos de democracia como os EUA. Para que os governos eleitos sejam mais transparentes e que atendam as demandas do povo. E que também tragam justiça e prosperidade para todos.
Claramente a “democracia representativa” está exaurida e precisa mudar. Que ela seja substituída pela "democracia direta", como já ocorre na Suiça. Pois só assim o povo exercerá seu poder com plenitude.

segunda-feira, 12 de agosto de 2013

Who cares Legalizing Drugs?

The issue of drugs is a complex issue. While some try to "sell" the idea that if governments legalize the consumption of drugs, the "social side effects" they produce would diminish greatly. To achieve this ambitious project of interest and obscure, traffickers and sympathizers of drugs and spare no effort or resources. And use unscrupulous corrupt capitalist media for their selfish intentions. Where the power of money trumps the public interest, ethics and human dignity.
The easy access and legalized drugs is the fastest way to corrupt a society to take her to the bottom. Obviously, the person who defends silly proposals of this type, have vested interests or is naive or ignorant. And, indeed, sets aside the historical example of how the drug in the past led the Chinese people to bend to the British empire. And in this case the drug was opium. Because of this, now the drug dealers were shot in China as exemplary punishment. And the Chinese example is no exception. As I write these lines, have a Brazilian in Thailand awaiting execution of the death sentence. For he was accused of trying to introduce drugs illegally in the country by hiding it in her bakes delta.
Therefore, to legalize the drug has some issues "secondary" will have to be answered to society. Traffickers in their greed for "loyal" customer by addiction spare children? Which drugs will be allowed? Opium, heroin, cocaine, marijuana? What? Who will bear the highest social cost of this deployment, in which case are: premature deaths by usage, absenteeism from work, chemical dependency treatment, deaths caused by the use or trafficking of drugs (conflicts between traffickers by the best points) or deaths induced altered state of the criminal who used the drug to commit the crime. The drugged to commit a crime shall be deemed unable too? Be permitted drugs in prisons, as allows the "conjugal visits". And criminal laws already so permissive and benefiting criminals at the expense of the citizen and will be softer yet? The legalization of drugs will decrease even violence?
To all these questions the Chinese example became apparent that the release of drug consumption is not a good idea for society as a whole. And that is why there are traffickers sentenced to death, like Thailand too.
Ultimately, inquire if interested in releasing the drugs are not the same people as always: ambitious, degenerates, criminals, drug dealers and corrupt?

sexta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2013

There are vampires?

Personally I do not believe in vampires, nor know someone who knows. I speak of vampire who sucks blood, which can live "a thousand years", which prevents the light of day and so on. Anyway, the vampires of film and tv that both delight the youngsters. A good example is the film "Lincoln - Vampire Hunter", a metaphor evident to label escravocatas who stole the blood and ... the work of blacks. However, consider the "vampires" as a good metaphor about the spirits of deceased people, which still roam among the living to harass certain people vulnerable. To these call "psychic vampires" that are denominated in spiritism obsessing.
And what they have in common obessores spirits or psychic vampires, the vampires that suck blood from film and TV?
Have in common the fact that they always suck vital energies of the people. What if the vampires of the screens is the blood and vampires or spiritual obessores is the subtle energy of the aura and ectoplasm. In any case it always causes inconvenience to persons or vampirized obssediadas. So I am researching the subject thoroughly to write a book about the "Spiritual Vampires", the intention of the people to know this matter and protect themselves from their assaults, for they are among us. A fact that I could experience in my life psychic.


People of good soul and "lighthearted" certainly attract good spirits. The benevolent spirits. On the other hand bad people and "heavy heart" attract the unclean spirits. The obsessive spirits. And they certainly cause disorders in the person's life or obssedidada vampirizada spiritually. As you wish.
The Spiritual Law of Attraction is the maxim: "Tell who your friends are and I will tell you who you are."

Mysteries of Heaven

"The last word has not been said divine. Facts and truth will change back. Mysteries of the universe are infinite and they are revealed to the initiated few, according to the degree of evolution of each and every time."
@ pjvalente - quote from the book of my own - The Spirit of Light.
Free in: www.slideshare.net/pjvalente

terça-feira, 6 de agosto de 2013

I am a happy man

According to the Chinese proverb happy and fulfilled is the man who planted a tree, which is the parent who wrote a book. I am that man. But not only that. I am happy because every day I struggle to tame my ego and be humble, to love God above all things, to honor and dignify my friends, family and my country. I am happy in spite of my faults and unhappy moments. I am happy despite the weather be squandering my "facade" because while this time brings me wisdom and spirituality. I am happy because I bring alive the soul that one day the child was.

Wanderer of the City of São Paulo - Brazil

Walking is good and you discover different worlds.
Once crossed on foot the city of São Paulo from end to end. At the time I was the West Zone - av. Intercontinental, until the Horto Florestal located in the North Zone. And I was alone. It took me over six hours that Sunday gray and cold, to go through the 33 km of route. On the way I saw so many things that do not ever forget. For example, a c ... achorro dead that made me reflect on the brevity of life and death. And in av. Pacaembu saw robbers fleeing abandoning an old house and well maintained an office where he works. Later when I got near the Campo de Marte could enjoy the flight of smoke making changes and leaving smoke trails in the sky. Already in Santana, went into a church to admire its murals and rest a bit. Next to the Horto Florestal located in the hills of Cantareira admired that beautiful neighborhood with trees reminiscent of the beach cities of fresh air. When he finally got to the Horto Florestal could enjoy that wonderful park, although he was exhausted. Lying in the grass I saw flocks of squirrels and monkeys that roamed the trees looking for food. The sun at that moment had already dissipated the gray clouds and revealed the intense blue sky with few clouds.
The purpose today, as I walked down the Pinheiros neighborhood around the church Cross pie, as I do almost every single day.

terça-feira, 30 de julho de 2013

I'm a happy man

According to the Chinese proverb happy and fulfilled is the man who planted a tree, which is the parent who wrote a book. I am that man. But not only that. I am happy because every day I struggle to tame my ego and be humble, to love God above all things, to honor and dignify my friends, family and my country. I am happy in spite of my faults and unhappy moments. I am happy despite the weather be squandering my "body" because while this time brings me wisdom and spirituality. I am happy because I bring alive the soul that one day the child was.

sábado, 13 de julho de 2013

A Política e a miopia dos políticos atuais

   A "arte" da política compreende basicamente três áreas: 1) Conquistar o poder (e o dinheiro que ele agrega), 2) Manter o poder (e o dinheiro que ele está agregando) e 3) A Política como planos de governo que satisfaçam as as expectativas e os interesses do povo ( o verdadeiro dono do poder), com qualidade e a custos compatíveis com os recursos da nação, e com sustentabilidade ambiental e social.
   Lamentavelmente, muitos políticos brasileiros que só olham para o próprio umbigo estão divorciados da realidade do povo brasileiro e das mensagens que as ruas estão trazendo. Isso acontece porque eles só se preocupam com a primeira e a segunda área que compreendem a política. E negligenciam o que realmente interessa ao povo - ou seja, a área 3 mencionada acima. Este políticos que estão sendo obsoletados pela história atual, estão tão perdidos que não compreendem como os jovens da internet monopolizaram tanta gente nas manifestações independentemente dos partidos políticos e dos sindicatos que orbitam seus interesses obscuros.  E eles sabem que esse fenômenos social lhe custará caro em termos de eleição ou reeleição.
   Os políticos jovens, idealistas e antenados com os anseios da rua certamente irão reclamar avanços na democracia representativa para levá-la ao patamar da democracia direta suiça, que é o top do modêlo democrático mundial. Estes jovens, a quem nutro grande admiração e para quem tenho sempre em mente ao escrever, serão os "novos donos" do poder; avalizados do povo, é claro. E neste caso os atuais políticos obsoletadas já serão páginas viradas da história. Eu mesmo conheço muitos desse zumbis políticos. Que Deus tenha piedade deles, são cegos...

The Policy and the shortsightedness of current political

   The "art" of politics basically comprises three areas: 1) Conquer the power (and the money he adds), 2) Keep the power (and the money he is adding) and 3) Politics as government plans that satisfy the the expectations and interests of the people (the true owner of the power), with quality and cost compatible with the nation's resources, and environmental and social sustainability. Unfortunately, many Brazilian politicians who only look to the navel are divorced from the reality of the Brazilian people and messages that are bringing the streets. This is because they only care about the first and second area comprising policy. And overlook what really matters to people - ie, the area 3 mentioned above. This political being obsoletados the current story, are so lost they do not understand how young the internet monopolized so many people in the demonstrations regardless of political parties and trade unions that orbit their vested interests.
   And they know that this social phenomena it will be costly in terms of election or reelection.
Politicians young, idealistic and attuned to the desires of the street will certainly claim advances in representative democracy to take it to the level of Swiss direct democracy, which is the top of the model democratic world. These young people, to whom I have great admiration and to whom I have in mind when writing, will be the "new owners" of power, backed the people, of course. And in this case the current political obsoletadas are already facing pages of history. I even know that many political zombies. May God have mercy on them, are blind ...

X-ray of Questions - Dark Times

1 - Edward Snowden - traitor or a global citizen as well?
- Snowden is a good citizen who chose to betray the government, but not their country. For governments come and go. And they can do well or not. However, successive governments in time are not above the law and ethics. Much less above the American consciousness for freedom. In case the Snowdem, is a patriotic guardian of this freedom. Traitor in the case is the U.S. government, the pretext of terrorism, espionage makes the world, contrary to the laws.

2 - Unemployment in Greece is 27%.
- The crisis in Europe is far from over. Soon another country will stumble and will surely cause a "domino effect" affecting everyone. In the firing line: Greece, Spain, Italy, England and others.

3 - The National Protest Day 12 in Brazil was a failure. Reason: The movement was not spontaneous. Syndicate had paid to people who participate. It's the end of the trail. The failure was not higher because of the stoppage of transport. It was a protest bureaucratic failure.

4 - Plebiscites Now?
- Despite the politicians do not want to, it's always time for Plebiscito. And who should decide it is the people (the most interested). The streets clamoring changes plebiscites that only validate. However, politicians fleeing plebiscites like bat out of hell. Therefore relies on the fingers how many plebicites Brazil has made in recent decades. The political class is not interested in this tool which is a prerogative of direct democracy.
In the last election largely of Brazilian politicians, including snakes created porte Tasso Jereissati and Hand Santa, not reelected. Who doubts that the next election will be a clean one?

5 - Eike Batista - Group X is a new Titanic?
The X group is experiencing difficulties but I believe that will not sink, although the corporate media national cheer for this to occur. The case of Eike Batista remembers an event occurred with mogul Donald Trump that almost went bankrupt, but gave a comeback contrary to predictions of the American media. In the end, the Group restructured and x will surely find its way. I hope so.

Raio X das Questões - Tempos Sombrios

1 - Edward Snowden - traidor ou cidadão global de bem?
- Snowden é um cidadão de bem que optou trair o governo, mas não o seu país. Pois governos vem e vão. E eles podem fazer o bem ou não. No entanto, os governos que se sucedem no tempo não estão acima da lei e da ética. Muito menos acima da consciência americana por liberdade. No caso, o Snowdem, é um guardião patriótico dessa liberdade. Traidor no caso é o governo americano, que a pretexto do terrorismo, faz espionagem do mundo todo, contrariando as leis.

2 - Desemprego na Grécia vai a 27%.
- A crise da Europa está longe do fim. Logo um outro país irá tropeçar e certamente irá causar o "efeito dominó", afetando a todos. Na linha de tiro: Grécia, Espanha, Itália, Inglaterra e outros.
3 - O Protesto Nacional do dia 12 no Brasil foi um fracasso. Motivo: O movimento não foi espontâneo. Teve Sindicato que pagou para pessoas participarem. É o fim da picada. O Fracasso só não foi maior por conta da paralização dos transportes. Foi um protesto burocrático fracassado.

- Apesar dos políticos não quererem, sempre é tempo para Plebiscito. E isso quem deve decidir é o povo (o maior interessado). As ruas clamam mudanças que só os plebiscitos validam. No entanto, os políticos fogem dos plebiscitos como o diabo foge da cruz. Por isso conta-se nos dedos quantos plebiscitos o Brasil fez nas últimas décadas. A classe política não está interessa essa ferramenta que é uma prerrogativa de democracia direta.
Na eleição passada grande parte dos políticos brasileiros, incluindo cobras criadas do porte do Tasso Jereissati e do Mão Santa, não se reelegeram. Quem duvida que na próxima eleição haverá outra limpa? 

5 - Eike Batista - O Grupo X é um novo Titanic?
O grupo X passa por dificuldades mas creio que não afundará, apesar que a mídia corporativa nacional torcer para que isso ocorra. O caso do Eike Batista lembra um acontecimento ocorrido com o magnata Donald Trump que quase faliu, mas deu a volta por cima contrariando as previsões da mídia americana. No final das contas, o Grupo x será reestruturado e certamente encontrará seu rumo. Assim espero.

Human Rights, to whom? Violence lurks closely.

Today I took a sunny afternoon and went with the family to know the Municipal Market of São Paulo - Brazil. It was a beautiful ride, complete with fruit and the famous fish cake. We love it. When I got home I heard on TV that a researcher who had also gone there in the market with the family at that time I was too, ended up dead in a robbery. And he had not even reacted. Handed the wallet, mobile phone and watch, when the villain realized that he was armed and fired. Still time to give the officer hit him and the Bandit was later arrested. Father and son was assaulted ... In this country of laws and lax political crime seems to be winning this civil war that we are subjected daily.

Funny thing is that no "human rights" is moved by the death of policemen and even raises his voice against it. Who of them visit the family of the dead policemen cowardly, like the policeman dead this afternoon Municipal Market? So, through this text, I want to express my feeling of regret to the family of the police. For God is great and justice will be done, especially with the adoption of stricter laws against crime in our country.

The times that I advocate more severe penalties for heinous crimes. With the inclusion of life imprisonment and the death penalty for the offense can not compensate as currently occurs. Remember that the hypocrisy of our corrupt politicians were streaks of madness when they created the figure of the "crime hodiondo" because the "criminal hodiondo" is nothing more than thirty years in jail, and there are very few that meet this "maximum penalty" .

sexta-feira, 12 de julho de 2013

X-ray of Questions - Dark Times

1 - Edward Snowden - traitor or a global citizen as well?- Snowden is a good citizen who chose to betray the government, but not their country. For governments come and go. And they can do well or not. However, successive governments in time are not above the law and ethics. Much less above the American consciousness for freedom. In case the Snowdem, is a patriotic guardian of this freedom. Traitor in the case is the U.S. government, the pretext of terrorism, espionage makes the world, contrary to the laws.
2 - Unemployment in Greece is 27%.- The crisis in Europe is far from over. Soon another country will stumble and will surely cause a "domino effect" affecting everyone. In the firing line: Greece, Spain, Italy, England and others.
3 - The National Protest Day 12 in Brazil was a failure. Reason: The movement was not spontaneous. Syndicate had paid to people who participate. It's the end of the trail. The failure was not higher because of the stoppage of transport. It was a protest bureaucratic failure.
4 -Plebiscite NOW?- Despite the politicians do not want to, it's always time for Plebiscite. And who should decide it is the people (the most interested). The streets clamoring changes plebiscites that only validate. However, politicians fleeing plebiscites like bat out of hell. Therefore relies on the fingers how many referendums Brazil has made in recent decades. The political class is not interested in this tool which is a prerogative of direct democracy.
In the last election largely of Brazilian politicians, including snakes created porte Tasso Jereissati and Hand Santa, not reelected. Who doubts that the next election will be a clean one?
5 - Eike Batista - Group X is a new Titanic?
The X group is experiencing difficulties but I believe that will not sink, although the corporate media national cheer for this to occur. The case of Eike Batista remembers an event occurred with mogul Donald Trump that almost went bankrupt, but gave a comeback contrary to predictions of the American media. In the end, the Group restructured and x will surely find its way. I hope so.

quarta-feira, 3 de julho de 2013

The Policy and the shortsightedness of current political

The "art" of politics basically comprises three areas: 1) Conquer the power (and the money he adds), 2) Keep the power (and the money he is adding) and 3) Politics as government plans that satisfy the the expectations and interests of the people (the true owner of the power), with quality and cost compatible with the resources of the nation, ... and environmental and social sustainability. Unfortunately, many Brazilian politicians who only look to the navel are divorced from the reality of the Brazilian people and messages that are bringing the streets. This is because they only care about the first and second area comprising policy. And overlook what really matters to people - ie, the area 3 mentioned above. This political being obsoletados the current story, are so lost they do not understand how young the internet monopolized so many people in the demonstrations regardless of political parties and trade unions that orbit their vested interests.

And they know that this social phenomena it will be costly in terms of election or reelection.

Politicians young, idealistic and attuned to the desires of the street will certainly claim advances in representative democracy to take it to the level of Swiss direct democracy, which is the top of the model democratic world. These young people, to whom I have great admiration and to whom I have in mind when writing, will be the "new owners" of power, backed the people, of course. And in this case the current political obsoletadas are already facing pages of history. I even know that many political zombies. May God have mercy on them, are blind ...

terça-feira, 2 de julho de 2013

The World of Transformations> Better World

According to the great spiritualist nothing is stable, except God. The transformations are everywhere and at all times. Whether you look and feel or not. The world of humans is no different.

Currently perceive social movements of great magnitude in many countries, including street protests and wars, like Syria, which in turn backslash ... the end of an era dictatorship sponsored by hegemonic powers. For now the 21st century dictators will have no external support, and so will have no long life.

Many of the countries that are in crisis today belong to the G20 - countries that dominate 80% of global wealth. Indicating that a major transformation is underway for a Better World.

They are wrong who think that the crisis is eminently economical and it will be resolved only with economic measures. This global crisis is a mixture of political crisis, ethical, economic and social. And young people have realized this. So they want to advances not only in the economy but also in the other areas mentioned. Especially in a democracy, so it can provide greater popular participation in government decisions.

However, politicians, governments, unions and the media, enebriados in power, have not understood the nature of these protests. Blind in their selfish advantages, insist on seeing the world with the current thoughts of the last century. This time it does not return, where corporate power, money and corruption at all levels of power, kidnap people's power for their own benefit. And this is still done two macro ways, "representative democracy" and "dictatorship." Do you know each other?

In this century the corrupt will not have success. Significant changes are inevitable in the post-global crisis "internetized". That is the true message of the streets.

To succeed the people will attack successfully, these "macros ways" to kidnap the power of the people I mentioned above. Of course, politicians obsolete, selfish corporate world or corrupt react with cunning and with the power of money against the changes needed by the people. To do so will also use "palliative measures, lies, manipulations and deceptions," with the goal of always: appropriating considerable part of the wealth produced by the working people.

However it will not succeed in today's world because of the Internet Caretaker and activist, which allowed people to free themselves from the yoke of corrupt corporate media. For now the people, it really makes the history and wealth, now has the ability to convey his version of events and their needs in real time, without the intermediation of corrupted media. Because of this, the people went out on the streets of Egypt, Brazil, and other countries to protest hard, demanding progressive change.

The people, especially the youth to whom the future belongs, need to focus on those strategic liability claims, and that there are few that really change your luck. Starting with the implementation of direct democracy, that people power is exercised in full. As it already happens in Switzerland Country in which it is the "democratic state of the art" (the top of democracy).

Therefore, a better world is indeed possible. And he is on the horizon.

O Mundo das Transformações > Mundo Melhor

Segundo os grandes espiritualistas nada é estável, exceto Deus. As transformações estão por toda parte e a todo momento. Quer você veja e sinta ou não. O mundo dos seres humanos não e diferente.

Atualmente percebemos movimentos sociais de grande magnitude em muitos paises, que inclui protestos de rua e até a guerra, como a da Síria; que por sua vez sinaliz...a o fim de uma era ditatorial patrocinada por potências hegemônicas. Pois agora no século 21 os ditadores não terão mais respaldo externo, e assim não terão mais vida longa.

Muitos dos países que estão em crise hoje pertencem ao grupo do o G20 - países que dominam 80% da riqueza mundial. Indicando assim que uma grande transformação está em curso para um Mundo Melhor.

Enganam-se os que acham que a crise mundial é eminentemente econômica e que ela será resolvida apenas com medidas econômicas. Esta crise global é uma mistura de crise política, ética, econômica e social. E os jovens já perceberam isso. Assim eles querem avanços não só na economia, mas também nas outras áreas mencionadas. Principalmente na democracia, para que ela possa propiciar maior participação popular nas decisões governamentais.

Entretanto, os políticos, governantes, sindicatos e a midia, enebriados no poder, ainda não compreenderam a natureza de tais protestos. Cegos em suas vantagens egoísticas, teimam em olhar o mundo atual com pensamentos do século passado. Tempo este que não volta mais, onde o poder corporativo, o dinheiro e a corrupção, em todas as instâncias do poder, sequestravam o poder do povo, em benefício próprio. E isso ainda é feito duas macro maneiras: "democracia representativa" ou "ditadura". Você conhece outra?

Neste século os corrompidos não terão exito. As mudanças significativas serão inevitáveis no mundo pós-crise global "internetizado". Essa é a verdadeira mensagem das ruas.

Para ter sucesso o povo atacará, com sucesso, essas "macros maneiras" de sequestrar o poder do povo que mencionei acima. E claro, os políticos obsoletos, os interesseiros do mundo corporativo ou os corruptos, reagirão com astúcia e com o poder do dinheiro, contra as mudanças necessárias requeridas pelo povo. Para tanto utilizarão também "medidas paliativas, mentiras, manipulações ou enganações"; com o objetivo de sempre: apropriar-se de parte considerável da riqueza produzida pelo trabalho do povo.

Entretanto isso não terá sucesso no mundo atual por conta da Internet vigilente e ativista; que possibilitou ao povo libertar-se do jugo da mídia corrupta corporativa. Pois agora o povo, ele que faz realmente a história e a riqueza, tem agora a possibilidade de veicular a sua versão dos fatos e de suas necessidades em tempo real, sem a necessidade da intermediação da mídia corrompida. Por conta disso, o povo saiu nas ruas do Egito do Brasil, e em outros países para protestar com afinco, exigindo mudanças progressistas.

O povo, sobretudo os jovens a quem o futuro pertence, precisa focar naquelas reinvidicações estratégicas, e essa são poucas, que de fato mudarão a sua sorte. A começar pela implantação da democracia direta, para que o poder popular seja exercido com plenitude. Tal qual já ocorre na Suiça. País em que se encontra o "estado da arte democrática", (o top da democracia).
Portanto, um Mundo Melhor é possível sim. E ele já desponta no horizonte.

segunda-feira, 24 de junho de 2013


I love to see students with shirts with this logo. All is what pleases me most. Reason: Senator José Sarney once commented to the magazine Veja, the Brazilian Congress was under attack of Direct Democracy, and mentioned it in the book The Sociocapitalism - for a Better World. And who knows it read.
Of course mr. Sarney is against direct democracy since it limits the powers of politicians. Actually it is the people who have always been under attack by "representative democracy". And the result is that you see now. Exacerbated corruption at all levels of government and the people in the streets protesting.
The below is the fight that the Brazilian people will be able to have their rights respected and via direct democracy, which is already in many countries and that more or less days Brazil win the day, because it is the "top democracy" . Until the final victory, because God is Great.

Direct Democracy - Icon

I found it on the web and will adopt it in my struggle for direct democracy in Brazil and worldwide.

Sayings of the icon:
Title: Direct Democracy
Plebiscite - Referendum - Popular Initiative
Ícone da Democracia Direta

Encontrei-o na WEB e irei adotá-lo na minha luta pela democracia direta no Brasil e no Mundo.

Icon Direct Democracy

I found it on the web and will adopt it in my struggle for direct democracy in Brazil and worldwide.
Sayings of the icon:

Title: Direct Democracy
Plebiscite - Referendum - Popular Initiative

Ícone da Democracia Direta

Encontrei-o na WEB e irei adotá-lo na minha luta pela democracia direta no Brasil e no Mundo.

domingo, 23 de junho de 2013


I watched some interviews of members of the Free Pass on TV and thought that people are aware, well-meaning and reliable. Awakened the national consciousness. So we congratulate them. They know and wish to continue the fight, but no infiltration and extremism. The members of the free pass express my support and dedicate them a few phrases of Mahatma Gandhi:

"So soft, you can shake the world."

"Strength does not come from physical capacity, but the iron will."

"If we want to progress, we must not repeat history but make new history."

"We must become the change we want to see in the world."

"Just know that throughout history the Truth and Love always won."

"Never lose faith in humanity, because it is like an ocean. Just because there are a few drops of dirty water in it, does not mean he is completely dirty. "

Thanks to all
@ pjvalente

THE REVOLUTION OF YOUNG BRAZILIAN - Something in common with the World

A deeper look one realizes that the "revolution Brazilian street" are not detached from the rest of the world, despite some occasional requests of those who protested. It is evident that said
"Representative democracy" - one that you vote for that elected politicians can represent you, is bankrupt.
Actually direct democracy is bankrupt not only in Brazil but also in the rest of the civilized world. And not escape even the U.S., which now has the Obama administration backed undemocratic actions in the "representative democracy", as the use of drones that are killing civilians and children in foreign countries. That spies alike the people of the internet with a particular company (which has profit) with a spy software called PRISM. With the continuation of illegal detention at Guantanamo, where prisoners are kept in appalling conditions for many years and without judgment to which every citizen is entitled.

And that kind of democracy that transforms us into wards has its days numbered. For those people, the true holder of power, will no longer want politicians to represent them in all subject interchangeably.

For some, the imprint as strategic declaration of war, creating taxes, or ethics as involving experiments on human embryos (stem cells), among others, which should be decided by the people in referendums. The world cup in Brazil for example, is one such strategic issues, controversial and costly, that's why people should have decided in a plebiscite. In this type of democracy, which Switzerland and other civilized countries are already using is called direct democracy (for some participatory democracy). As the internet has great influence and participation in this kind of democracy, I believe that it should be called
and direct democracy. And it is with this name that I approach the revolution that e-democracy will direct this century for a more prosperous and just world.


Num olhar mais profundo percebe-se que a "revolução brasileira das ruas" não está descolada do resto do mundo, em que pese algumas solicitações pontuais daqueles que protestaram. É evidente que a dita 
"democracia representativa" - aquela que você vota para que os políticos eleitos possam te representar, está falida.

Na verdade a democracia direta está falida não só no Brasil, mas também no restante do mundo civilizado. E não escapa nem os EUA, que agora tem no governo Obama ações antidemocráticas respaldadas na "democracia representativa", como o uso de drones que estão matando civis e crianças em países estrangeiros. Que espiona indistintamente o povo da internet com uma empresa particular (que tem fins lucrativos) com um software espião denominado Prism. Com a manutenção da prisão ilegal de Guantánamo, onde prisioneiros estão mantidos em condições degradantes por muitos anos e sem julgamento a que todo cidadão tem direito.

E esse tipo de democracia que nos transforma em tutelados está com os dias contados. Pois os povo, o verdadeiro detentor do poder, não irá mais querer que os políticos os representem em todos os assunto indistintamente.

Há alguns, os de cunho estratégicos como declaração de guerra, criação de impostos, ou que envolvem ética como experiências com embriões humanos (células tronco), entre outros, que devem ser decidido pelo povo em plebiscitos. A copa do mundo no Brasil por exemplo, é um desses assuntos estratégico, polêmico e custoso, que por isso povo deveria ter decidido em plebiscito. A esse tipo de democracia, a qual a Suiça e outros países civilizados chama-se democracia direta (para alguns democracia participativa). Como a internet terá grande influência e participação, entendo que ela deva chamar-se e-democracia direta. E é com essa denominação que eu abordo a revolução que a e-democracia direta terá nesse século para uma humanidade mais próspera e justa.


     Radicals tried supporters tried tried the situation, the opposition even more, but in fact who capitalized positive movement was the Brazilian people as well, who came to the streets protesting against the corrupt and dirty politics that always turn against people's interests. Also capitalized on the youth of the Movement Free Pass, who wisely decided to suspend the protests, when he noticed the infiltration of corrupt and violent people.
     You must also record the fact that the massive protest that occurred did not spare the corporate media, which usually omits, distorts, and manipulates information so that a wealthy minority to benefit at the expense of the people. Plus, the media was so uninformed about this event, which at the beginning of the protests of some influential commentator told Brazilian television nonsense and later recanted.

sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2013


I watched some interviews of members of the Free Pass on TV and thought that people are aware, well-meaning and reliable. Awakened the national consciousness. So we congratulate them. They know and wish to continue the fight, but no infiltration and extremism. The members of the free pass express my support and dedicate them a few phrases of Mahatma Gandhi:

"So soft, you can shake the world."

"Strength does not come from physical capacity, but the iron will."

"If we want to progress, we must not repeat history but make new history."

"We must become the change we want to see in the world."

"Just know that throughout history the Truth and Love always won."

"Never lose faith in humanity, because it is like an ocean. Just because there are a few drops of dirty water in it, does not mean he is completely dirty. "

Thanks to all
@ pjvalente

sábado, 15 de junho de 2013

Syria - the end of the light tunnel already appears

Syrian generals and other military officers are stampeding in droves. This coincides with the delivery of modern weapons to the rebels and precedes the decree-fly on Syrian soil that is about to happen. Bashar Assad has no exit. You stay and die or go into exile. God is Great.
@ pjvalente


 Plebiscites more, more and more referenda ballot for a Better World:
- To combat the widespread corruption
- For transparency in public spending
- Consultation on popular public investments in the cities
- For tougher laws that put the "white collar" criminals and murderers in jail for many years in fact. Do the crime do not really compensate.
- The people electing judges of the Supreme Court.
- For compulsory participation of workers in corporate profits.
- For a quality education for all.
- For a truly free press and not manipulative.

Political Inertia

Every politician when elected tends to fall into inertia because it made more promises than it can deliver. In fact only really engage with 100% of its forces towards the sponsors of their campaigns, with their partisan supporters and allies. Being in the government's political inertia forget that the power conferred on them are limited ... That can be revoked ... In this context of political inertia of "leave it to see how it looks," needs of the people end up in the background. However, the people especially the young people who will inherit the future, are not at all happy with this "status quo" depressing and repressive.
And this is a worldwide phenomenon, because the 21st century will not be a replay of the last century. Will be very different. So go through an era of global adjustment troubled political, economic and social. And surely, the world will be much better after the global crisis ends. But the "stick will still eat too much" cities apart for a good few years. And the rulers who insist on obsolete political practices of the past and will not hear the messages of the streets, will be deleted permanently from power. God is Great. And the voice of the people is the voice of God.
@ pjvalente

São Paulo in Shock - The Backfire

It is pathetic to see on TV some rioters smashing public property and private. But even more depressing is to see police shooting cowardly in the eyes of women journalists. This kind of "democracy dick" is outmoded and repression of expression was a backfire, which only served to negatively impact the image of our government abroad.
Plus, with the strength of the television, the repression exerted exacerbated by military police only served to garner even more protesters for the next "stop". And young people are rediscovering their power, after all, the future will be theirs.
DIRECT DEMOCRACY NOW - Plebiscites, Referendums and Popular Consultation

sábado, 8 de junho de 2013

Brazil - Land of the whole world. The world does not love tyrants, including Bashar Assad

A woman surnamed Assad was offended by my criticism of the Syrian tyrant Bashar Assad, and then she wrote me and was short and thick in his message, saying that he did not like my publication and I was misinformed about the Assad family. And so arrogant that I requested to withdraw the message of my page. Thing I will not do. However, my criticism of the ruthless and bloodthirsty dictator Bashar Assad is only the person him as "leader" of a nation is being torn apart by his arrogance and stubbornness to relinquish power. In has nothing to do with others surnamed Assad that even met some who keep great memories. 

 I am fond of Arab culture and I have relatives of Arab origin that tastes great. Moreover, support for the Palestinian cause and is not today. That said I want the Assad - the dictator - has a light and abdicate power to cease the killings and negotiations and support of Syria free move forward, for the country to rebuild again. So all I want is peace and prosperity for the Syrian people, and regardless of religion or ethnicity, for every country in the world is plural. Peace and prosperity sooner or later the Syrian people have, because God is Great.

Support the Syrian army of liberation. God is Great.
دعم الجيش السوري من تحرير. الله أكبر.

Brasil - terra de todo Mundo. O Mundo não ama tiranos, incluindo o Bashar Assad

Uma mulher de sobrenome Assad se sentiu ofendida por minhas críticas ao tirano sírio Bashar Assad, e então ela me escreveu e foi curta e grossa em sua mensagem, dizendo que não gostou de minha publicação e que eu estava mal informado sobre a família Assad. E de modo arrogante solicitou que eu retirasse a mensagem da minha página. Coisa que não vou fazer. Entretanto, as minhas críticas ao ditador cruel e sanguinário Bashar Assad é exclusivamente à pessoa dele enquanto "líder" de uma nação que esta sendo esfacelada por sua arrogância e teimosia em deixar o poder. Em nada tem a ver com as demais pessoas de sobrenome Assad que inclusive conheci alguns de quem guardo ótimas recordações.

Sou apreciador da cultura árabe e eu tenho parentes de origem árabe que gosto muito. E mais, apoio a causa Palestina e não é de hoje. Dito isso desejo que o Assad - o ditador - tenha uma luz e abdique do poder para que cessem as mortes e as negociações e prol da na Síria livre sigam em frente, para o país se reerguer novamente. Portanto tudo o que desejo é paz e prosperidade para o povo sírio e não importando religião ou etnia, pois todo país no mundo é plural. A paz e a prosperidade cedo ou tarde o povo sírio terá terá, pois Deus é Grande.

Support the Syrian army of liberation. God is Great.
دعم الجيش السوري من تحرير. الله أكبر.

البرازيل - أرض العالم كله. العالم لا يحب الطغاة، بما في ذلك بشار الأسد

وقد أساء امرأة قبه الأسد من قبل انتقادي للطاغية السوري بشار الأسد، ثم كتبت لي وكانت قصيرة وسميكة في رسالته، قائلا إنه لم يكن مثل المنشور وكنت معلومات خاطئة عن عائلة الأسد. ومتكبر لدرجة أنني طلبت سحب الرسالة من الصفحة الخاصة بي. شيء لن أفعل. ومع ذلك، انتقادي من لا يرحم ومتعطش للدماء الديكتاتور بشار الأسد هو فقط الشخص بأنه "زعيم" أمة ويجري تمزقها غطرسته والعناد للتخلي عن السلطة. في ليس له اي علاقة مع الآخرين قبه الأسد أنه حتى التقى بعض الذين يحافظون على ذكريات رائعة. أنا مغرم للثقافة العربية ولدي أقارب من أصل عربي أن الأذواق كبيرة. وعلاوة على ذلك، دعم للقضية الفلسطينية وليس اليوم. التي تقول أريد أن الأسد - الديكتاتور - لديه الضوء ويتخلى عن السلطة لوقف أعمال القتل والمفاوضات وبدعم من سوريا التحرك الحرة إلى الأمام، لهذا البلد لإعادة بناء من جديد. لذلك كل ما أريده هو السلام والرخاء للشعب السوري، وبغض النظر عن الدين أو العرق، على كل بلد في العالم هو الجمع. السلام والرخاء عاجلا أو آجلا سوف الشعب السوري لديهم، وذلك لأن الله أكبر.
دعم الجيش السوري من تحرير. الله أكبر.
دعم الجيش السوري من تحرير. الله أكبر.


segunda-feira, 13 de maio de 2013

Who cares Legalizing Drugs?

The issue of drugs is a complex issue. While some try to "sell" the idea that if governments legalize the consumption of drugs, the "social side effects" they produce would diminish greatly. To achieve this ambitious project of interest and obscure, traffickers and sympathizers of drugs and spare no effort or resources. And unscrupulous use of the media for their selfish corrupt capitalist. Where the power of money trumps the public interest, ethics and human dignity.

The easy access and legalized drugs is the fastest way to corrupt a society to take her to the bottom. Obviously, the person who defends silly proposals of this type, have vested interests or is naive or ignorant. And, indeed, sets aside the historical example of how the drug in the past led the Chinese people to bend to the British empire. And in this case the drug was opium. Because of this, now the drug dealers were shot in China as exemplary punishment. And the Chinese example is no exception. As I write these lines, have a Brazilian in Thailand awaiting execution of the death sentence. For he was accused of trying to introduce drugs illegally in the country by hiding it in her bakes delta.

Therefore, to legalize the drug has some issues "secondary" will have to be answered to society. Traffickers in their greed for "loyal" customer by addiction spare children? Which drugs will be allowed? Opium, heroin, cocaine, marijuana? What? Who will bear the highest social cost of this deployment, in which case are: premature deaths by usage, absenteeism from work, chemical dependency treatment, deaths caused by the use or trafficking of drugs (conflicts between traffickers by the best points) or deaths induced altered state of the criminal who used the drug to commit the crime. The drugged to commit a crime shall be deemed unable too? Be permitted drugs in prisons, as allows the "conjugal visits". And criminal laws already so permissive and benefiting criminals at the expense of the citizen and will be softer yet? The legalization of drugs will decrease even violence?

To all these questions the Chinese example became apparent that the release of drug consumption is not a good idea for society as a whole. And that is why there are traffickers sentenced to death, like Thailand too.

Ultimately, asked if interested in the release of drugs will not be the same people as always: ambitious, degenerates, criminals, drug dealers and corrupt?   @pjvalente

A quem interessa a Legalização das Drogas?

A questão das drogas é um tema complexo. Embora alguns tentem “vender” a ideia de que se os governos legalizarem o consumo das drogas, os “efeitos colaterais sociais” que elas produzem diminuiriam muito. Para a concretização desse projeto ambicioso e de interesse obscuro, os traficantes e os simpatizantes das drogas não poupam esforços e nem recursos. E utilizam sem escrúpulos da mídia corrompida capitalista para suas egoísticas. Onde o poder do dinheiro atropela o interesse público, a ética e a dignidade humana.

O acesso fácil e legalizado as drogas é o meio mais rápido de corromper uma sociedade para levá-la ao fundo do poço. Obviamente, a pessoa que defende propostas tolas desse tipo, possui interesses obscuros ou é ingênua ou ignorante. E, na verdade, deixa de lado o exemplo histórico de como a droga no passado levou o povo chinês a dobrar-se perante o império britânico. E a droga neste caso foi o ópio. Por conta disso, atualmente os traficantes de drogas são fuzilados na China, como punição exemplar. E o exemplo chinês não é exceção. Enquanto escrevo essas linhas, tem um brasileiro na Tailândia esperando a execução da sentença de morte. Pois ele foi acusado de tentar introduzir drogas ilegalmente no país, ocultando-a em sua assa delta.

Portanto, para se legalizar o consumo das drogas algumas questões “secundárias” terão que ser respondidas para a sociedade. Os traficantes em sua ganância em “fidelizar” o cliente pelo vício pouparão as crianças? Quais as drogas serão permitidas? Ópio, heroína, cocaína, maconha? Quais? Quem arcará com o altíssimo custo social desta implantação, que no caso serão: mortes prematuras pelo uso das mesmas, absenteísmo do trabalho, tratamento de dependência química, mortes ocasionadas pelo uso ou pelo tráfico das drogas (conflitos entre os traficantes pelos melhores pontos), ou mortes induzidas pelo estado alterado do criminoso que se utilizou da droga para cometer o crime. O drogado ao cometer um crime será considerado incapaz também? Serão permitidas as drogas nas penitenciárias, como se permite as “visitas íntimas”. E as leis penais já tão permissivas e que beneficiam os criminosos em detrimento ao cidadão de bem serão mais brandas ainda? A legalização das drogas diminuirá mesmo a violência?

Para todas essas questões o exemplo chinês tornou evidente que a liberação do consumo das drogas não é uma boa ideia para a sociedade como um todo. E é por isso que lá os traficantes são condenados à morte, a exemplo da Tailândia também.

Em última análise, indago se os interessados na liberação das drogas não serão as mesmas pessoas de sempre: ambiciosos, degenerados, criminosos, corruptos e traficantes?


terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2013

Historian writes book with conclusions similar to the "Sociocapitalism for a Better World"

See the book review published in folhaonline:

"In" The Great Degeneration ", Niall Ferguson, a British historian specializing in the history ... financial and economic, argues that the decline of the West, prophesied long ago is happening.

Ferguson reveals some causes of this degeneration:

Financial corporations have corrupted the U.S., says author

'Inside Job' exposes blame for the 2008 crisis

'The world economy is shattered, "says economist

Ferguson assesses the slow growth of the economy, high debt, weak laws, the population increasingly older and antisocial behavior as some symptoms of decay.

According to the author, this happens due to the decline of representative government, free markets, the rule of law and civil society.

"Civilization", "The Logic of Money", "Empire: How the British Did the Modern World", "The Ascent of Money" and "Colossus" are other books by Niall Ferguson. "

Source: folhaonline.com.br

Read the e-book "The Socioapitalism for a Better World", and check. Free on: www.slideshare.net / pjvalente /the-sociocapitalism

Paulo José Valente

Economist, medium and freelance writer, wrote The Following books: "The Crystal Skull" - Book of adventure on the Quest for the Crystal Skull. "Search within yourself" - Compilation of quotes from self-help, among others.

Letter to former "socialist" Arnaldo Jabor - columnist of the newspaper O Estado de São paulo - Brazil.

"Lantern Stern" for Arnaldo Jabor - columnist for The State of São Paulo

My comments sent by e-mail today to Arnaldo Jabor:

Mr. Arnaldo Jabor

I read your article "The Return of Korean Brazilians" and partly agree with him. With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the disintegration of the USSR communism collapsed in spite of the fact some countries like North Korea, Cuba and China try to give the same survival. However, this does not mean that capitalism emerged victorious because he is rapidly changing as Peter Drucker - the father of modern management, predicted in his book After Capitalism (published in 1993).

His articles often refer the reader for a "was that it was" unclear regarding the time and breaking global live where ever occur profound changes in political, economic and social change. That is already changing capitalism, "market socialism", the corrupt representative democracy, international trade, the UN, among others.

So, to give light on these issues, and perhaps to restore the dignity of his past "socialist"; suggest that Mr.. read eBook "The Sociocapitalism - for a Better World", available free in: www.slideshare.net/pjvalente/the-sociocapitalism. I remember that the term "sociocapitalism" was a term coined by Peter Drucker, though fallacious, as described in the above book.

Surely you will be amazed.

Thank you for your attention,

The author - @ pjvalente